Example sentences of "is [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately everyone else will be doing the same thing and if one end is blatantly favoured then it is likely to be crowded .
2 Farington 's influence is mostly seen in Green 's excellent etchings of buildings throughout the district .
3 Although it is mostly made up of perennial plants which will come up fresh in spring , there are one or two evergreen shrubs added for structure : an upright rosemary and a couple of spiky yuccas .
4 Cholesterol is a natural substance in the blood and is mostly made from the fat in the food we eat , though the body itself is quite capable of making an adequate supply .
5 Linseed oil is mostly made out of the seeds of the lin linen plant .
6 The current population is mostly made up of scientists and support staff working on contract for one or two years .
7 The cotton wool is mostly made of cellulose , and it dwarfs the tiny capsule that contains the DNA , the genetic information .
8 There is a great deal of scalic movement , though it is mostly hidden by notes leaping out of direction and back again .
9 The impact on MB Group 's balance sheet of acquiring sizeable goodwill in both ABS and Caradon is mostly offset by the issue of $150m US preferred stock and a handy £80m revaluation of its CMB stake to leave pro forma gearing at 24 per cent .
10 This is partly , no doubt , because teacher education in language is mostly tied to the teaching of particular languages , or to other disciplines like psychology or sociology where language is not the central focus .
11 The Threadfin Goldie Nemanthias carberryi is mostly received into the U.K. from shipments originating in The Maldives .
12 Research in the Arts is mostly conducted on an individual basis and it is not possible to do full justice to this activity here .
13 Egypt 's ageing fleet of 12 submarines is mostly composed of Chinese and Soviet-made Romeo-class vessels .
14 We now revert to the iterations for 1 an observe that , for example , c9 of Table is mostly composed of x1 .
15 The drug problem is mostly limited to substances which produce recognizable behavioural patterns , normally some sort of muddled state or light-headedness .
16 What was more , they were threatening to burn down the capital if Colonel Rebu was not set free — and Port-au-Prince is mostly built of wood .
17 The protein is mostly lost during the early stages of sweating and has detergent-like properties .
18 The County is mostly served by the Southern Electricity Board .
19 It seems that public concern is mostly raised when the pollutant is easily observed and can be shown to be due to some organisation flouting the law .
20 Here , for once , is a look at the causes and consequences of a bar-room massacre , where the gun-play is fleeting and ketchup is mostly kept in the pantry .
21 The food at the hotel is mostly flown in from Vienna , so staying at Fudauri is Georgian extra-extra luxury .
22 It may thus be possible that binding of pou[c] to this motif is mostly directed by the POU HD and perhaps further stabilized by the POU S .
23 I 'm afraid a detective 's life is mostly spent chasing up blind alleys and wasting people 's time . ’
24 The stock is mostly refurbished InterCity Mk1 vehicles .
25 ‘ Tho ’ I was young Thomas Chatterton to those I met , I was a very Proteus to those who read my Works ' : Chatterton 's story is mostly told by himself , and with a felicity of cadence and of reference which can be caught in the sentence I have just quoted .
26 It is mostly found in the stronger astringents used for greasy skins .
27 In the absence of gastroduodenal surgery , the last is mostly found in chronic NSAID users , as shown in this study and others .
28 The cheap care provided by childminders is mostly patronized by poorer mothers , especially African and West Indian mothers .
29 The great white-fronted , red-roofed castle they built to defend their lands is mostly preserved .
30 Unfortunately , the majority of energy used in homes is for space heating ( heating the rooms and the people ) and this is mostly needed in the winter when there is not sufficient sunshine in this country for solar energy to be feasible .
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