Example sentences of "is [verb] under " in BNC.

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1 PC Sandy Kelly , 32 , was also shot and is recovering under armed guard in hospital .
2 It has two components : a quoted margin above ( although sometimes below ) the reference rate , and a capital gain or loss element which is calculated under the assumption that the difference between the current price of the FRN and the maturity value is spread evenly over the remaining life of the FRN .
3 The anti-dog programme is meeting with some encouraging success , using poisoned bait which is hidden under dark ledges .
4 Firstly , Dustin is hidden under a folding bed which he is repairing in readiness for his first sexual experience , and then he is off-camera , talking to his parents , in the one comic-satiric scene that Woody Allen might not have disowned .
5 The belt here is hidden under the over fall , and a further garment , a veil , is worn over head and shoulders .
6 Middle- or upper-class grief is hidden under controlled facial muscles or even under a black veil , as with members of the royal family .
7 Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA , DEC 's European Alpha partner , will port Unix System Labs Inc 's operating system to the DEC Alpha machines it is to resell under its own name from next May .
8 ( In its traditional form , a bunch of keys is placed under the chair in the centre of a large circle .
9 If the wrong kind of shale or filling is placed under a concrete floor or the foundations , it will cause these to heave like a sponge pudding ; and a missing or defective damp-proof course will result in damp walls , unsightly marks and crumbling plaster .
10 The Dutch oven is a large iron pot on legs with heavy iron top ; a bed of coals is placed under it and on top of the lid and in about half an hour the food is cooked .
11 The woman , therefore , is placed under a severe set of conflicting pressures : on the one hand to develop her identity outside the home and , on the other , to develop and improve new and subtle human ‘ skills ’ as a housewife and as a mother .
12 The egalitarian doctrine of the priesthood of all believers was intended to apply only to matters spiritual ; but it was Luther who pointed out , " When a priest is murdered the whole country is placed under interdict , " and asked , " Why not when a peasant is murdered ? "
13 Once notified , the holder is placed under a duty to nominate a consignee and to give delivery instructions to the carrier with verification by private key .
14 These costs are reduced when new external funds are raised , because the firm is placed under greater financial scrutiny at this time .
15 The remaining water in the xylem is placed under tension and piled upwards in an unbroken column .
16 ‘ A psychologist would be asked to attend all such purchases to ensure that no child is placed under any pressure . ’
17 It is registered under the 1974 Friendly Societies Act ( Reg .
18 ‘ registered foreign lawyer ’ means a foreign lawyer who is registered under section 89 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 ;
19 All guests have free entry into the Mad House Disco which is situated under the hotel .
20 In many houses , the mains stopcock is situated under the kitchen sink .
21 It is situated under the cathedral nave and has a typical vault supported on rows of columns ( 352 ) .
22 Sharp 's book is broken under Eliot 's imaginative obsession .
23 If your tank cracks or is broken under this type of policy , you can claim for your tank along with your carpets and anything else which is ruined .
24 A member who is dismissed under this Article may be reinstated as a member on payment of all arrears of his subscription due at the time of his dismissal , and also any appropriate admission fee which may be decided by the Council .
25 Once all the steam is condensed a vacuum is formed under the piston and the piston is forced down the cylinder by steam from the boiler .
26 ( 2 ) The united Germany and the Republic of Poland shall confirm the existing border between them in a treaty that is binding under international law .
27 Nearly a half of the land area of the UK is designated under the EEC Less Favoured Areas Directive ( 75/268 ) , almost all of it upland .
28 The bulk of it is designated under Articles 3(3) and 3(4) as shown in Figure 8 ( see Chapter 3 ) , i.e. ‘ mountain areas in which farming is necessary to protect the countryside ’ and ‘ Less-favoured areas in danger of depopulation ’ , respectively .
29 In the UK , virtually all of the LFA is designated under just one of the three Articles available under the Directive — Article 3(4) .
30 In France , the LFA is designated under all three available Articles with a comparatively small area under 3(5) .
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