Example sentences of "to having [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Half of the 6,000 women questioned admitted to having intercourse before marriage and a quarter of them to adulterous intercourse after marriage .
2 ‘ I would say that England 's recent success has been due , in no small way , to having experience on the side .
3 These collections , in addition to having work of a distinctly ‘ local ’ , that is to say geographical , concentration have , in many cases , manuscripts and printed works of much wider significance in the fields of social development , religious beliefs , technological innovation , the functioning of particular industries , and so on .
4 They should be credible in the assessment context , which means that in addition to having expertise in the relevant discipline , they should also have some formal training in assessment methodology and techniques .
5 It is wise to plan for this and to keep in mind the possibility of building up to having video installed in a percentage of the classrooms .
6 With regard to having sympathy for them , I would say to the hon. Gentleman that I am one of them .
7 Rabat : A TOP police chief who confessed to having sex with more than 1,600 women in a three-year spree of rape and abduction was sentenced to death yesterday .
8 Other women find it more difficult to broach the subject with a long-term partner as that person is used to having sex in a certain ( possibly unsafe ) way .
9 In the car , on the homeward journey , Cassie found herself reflecting , as she glanced covertly at his profile and at the thin hands lightly gripping the steering wheel … those same brown and capable hands that had figured so prominently in her earlier fantasies … that he would make the perfect lover , if it were n't for his apparent indifference to women ; and perhaps , also , to having sex ; although this last was only an assumption .
10 I WAS married four years ago to a girl I loved very much , but I lost her to another man , because I was so incompetent when it came to having sex .
11 Oh I 'm not adverse to having bit of help
12 Remark Given a polynomial f in R[x] , 1.11.10 restricts possible irreducible factors to having degree 1 or 2 .
13 They would be dangerously close to having style over content if the songs were n't so good , and if singer Valerie Etienne did n't have such a heaven-sent voice .
14 Women who enjoy housework but have had a full-time job say that they look forward to having time to do things like get the carpet shampooed or make new curtains without someone else being in the way .
15 Piggy is a typical unpopular person and Ralph the opposite whereas Jack seems arrogant , aggressive and he 's used to having charge .
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