Example sentences of "to those to " in BNC.

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1 He could be mean to those who worked for him and generous to those to whom he owed nothing .
2 All children , it might be said , are special ; with good fortune , they are special to those who parent them , to those who help them to learn , to those to whom they are clients , and to themselves .
3 We hear a wide range of noises all day and every day but we only listen to those to which we wish to pay attention .
4 It is noted here because it indicates the increasing dissatisfaction of many Edwardian novelists with the high Victorian ideal of the exclusive ‘ home ’ , despite ( or because of ) the fact that in that period , as Walter Crane observed , ‘ the beautifying of houses , to those to whom it is possible , has become in some cases almost a religion ’ .
5 Directives and decisions shall be notified to those to whom they are addressed and shall take effect upon such notification . ’
6 ( Since he had no initial asset endowment , anyone else could have done what he did ; again , he was able to do what he did only because in so doing he was offering both to those from whom he bought and to those to whom he sells opportunities more attractive than those offered by others . )
7 I shall take great pleasure in saying to those to whom the hon. Gentleman wishes me to speak — here comes the opportunity that I mentioned earlier — that , as the chairman of Ford in Britain observed yesterday , Labour 's economic policies would prove suicidal for our economy .
8 the limitation on circulation of the report : normally the client 's instructions , the scope of work and the time constraints in which it is performed mean that circulation should be restricted to those to whom the report is addressed and to other named parties to whom the report is relevant .
9 The need for periodic assessment is not disputed , particularly if it is directed towards known and widely accepted objectives , but the mechanisms by which such assessments are carried out should be clearly formulated in advance , and communicated to those to be assessed .
10 A ‘ worst ’ scenario could include the creation of our document , in individualistic form by a user who chooses to exercise his/her ability to keep the document ‘ personal ’ , only accessible to those to whom it is directly mailed .
11 Some of the structures observed in two-dimensional jets are , for example , similar to those to be described for wakes below , and a unified account for all flows can be attempted .
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