Example sentences of "to him [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Jean felt belittled ; for as long as the dance lasted she seemed no more to him than any girl there , but then he came round to her again and clasped her closely as they stepped it down the aisle between the lines of dancers .
2 No Talmudic saying was nearer to him than that at the end of the Kiddushin : ‘ When a man faces his Maker , he will have to account for those ( God-given ) pleasures of life which he failed to enjoy , ’ and the Mezeritzer Rabbi commented , albeit a little more warily , ‘ You may reach a compromise between evil and good by enjoying legitimate bodily pleasure and serving God at the same time . ’
3 Slowly Michael Ramsey began to realize that the eternal verities were more important to him than the political excitements .
4 As to my husband , he does what he is told as ever and I have faced the truth long ago that the Brownings are more important to him than I am .
5 It was perhaps more important to him than any abstract notion , such as ‘ socialism ’ or ‘ revolution ’ .
6 What success he had depended at least in part on the willingness and vigour with which the women supported his pleas for help : without their backing his affines could well say they had no greater obligation to him than to his enemies , and refuse to help .
7 But there is a good deal more to him than that , as a new exhibition at Oxford 's Museum of Modern Art reveals .
8 On 22nd July , Major Wood came to the Wallowa to investigate the killing , and reported Joseph as saying that ‘ the valley was more sacred to him than ever before , and he would and did claim it now as recompense for the life taken . ’
9 We know the promptings of his soul , and we are closer to him than the vein in his neck .
10 The main argument for the legitimacy of any authority is that in subjecting himself to it a person is more likely to act successfully for the reasons which apply to him than if he does not subject himself to its authority .
11 Well , as I explained to the Almighty , at 30,000 feet I was much nearer to him than ever before and , shouting to make myself heard above those damned engines , perhaps there was an even money chance of being heard .
12 Is there a man out there with more to him than just the change in his pockets ?
13 I think love and splitting up is more important to him than anything else . ’
14 One head of department thought that it had increased marginally as a result of being more involved in decision-making , but this was less important to him than teaching .
15 What he experienced through his hands made more sense to him than written words of instruction .
16 Other women ceased to exist for Edouard ; he gently terminated his affair with Clara Delluc , and Isobel , knowing this woman had meant more to him than any of the others , asked if she might meet her ; she did , and the two women became friends .
17 How would you introduce him to God who would never let him down , especially since God is less certain to him than human beings who have let him down ?
18 ‘ Look , ’ she said , ‘ in those three weeks I got closer to him than anybody .
19 If this is the right Elizabeth , can we come much closer to him than through the loved child christened at Stratford ‘ Elizabeth , daughter of John Hall , gentleman ’ and her Bible , so tenderly inscribed by her husband ?
20 He had sounded immensely sad as he spoke , and I wondered if the girl had meant more to him than being merely a casual friend , but I did not like to ask and Maggovertski was clearly disinclined to explain more , so I just stared down at the aerial chart , and I suddenly noticed , in an otherwise empty space beneath an intersection of two air corridors , the tiny island of Murder Cay .
21 But I do think Tom 's animals have always meant more to him than people .
22 SO MANY have praised Graeme Hick that there must be more to him than has been revealed .
23 Why should there have been such friction with the Nazareans in Jerusalem , some of whom had known Jesus personally and were certainly closer to him than Paul ever was ?
24 And William began to run from the approaching cart , which was piled high with the bodies of the plague victims , and as he ran the streets became the familiar streets of his childhood and he knew that all the time he was running from the terrible cart he was getting closer and closer to the dark house by the railway embankment with its shuttered windows and its locked door , and that this was more terrible to him than anything in his history books .
25 That part of me which , when first we met , I should willingly have made over to Jean-Claude — and which he seemed to make no attempt to acquire — was , of course , no more available to him than the source of his being was to me .
26 Partly because , it seems to me , his life is so much more important to him than his work , and he has seen the dreadful consequences of the solitary confinement some writers and artists consider the sine qua non of their trade .
27 First of all I thought he was just some little fledgling that had fallen out of its nest , but I very soon realized there was more to him than that . "
28 It was more interesting to him than high-tensile or daffodils so she tried to explain the principle until his interest faded .
29 It was as if he had never raised the possibility that she might become so much more to him than his personal assistant .
30 It is no less beautiful to him than on that first night .
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