Example sentences of "to all [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well it 's no wonder , we used to all troop behind her in ones and twos , you know like
2 He said Novell was interested in exploring the possibility of offering links to all operating systems and Apple wanted to start penetrating the corporate environment ; it was up to Apple whether to take the project to the next step .
3 But while Taligent is promising action in 1995 , IBM will begin shipping beta microkernels to hardware vendors and people that build ‘ personality neutral services ’ ; which means those capabilities common to all operating systems .
4 But while Taligent is promising action in 1995 , IBM will begin shipping beta microkernels to hardware vendors and people that build ‘ personality neutral services ’ ; which means those capabilities common to all operating systems .
5 The company retains its global ambitions , and has worldwide rights to all software and hardware products , and says there will be no change to the operational structure in any of the countries in which it operates .
6 Keep track of software performance and status reports ( SPRs and SSRs ) , and ensure that they are distributed to all software users who need to see them .
7 At the same time , I 'm a long way from being young enough to imagine , as you do , that marriage is the answer to all life 's little problems .
8 That section was repealed and replaced by section 61(1) of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 , which applied to all life prisoners and not merely those convicted of murder .
9 The last two options on this index page are common to all index pages :
10 The last two options on the index page shown in figure 2.1 are common to all index pages :
11 Co-op Bank managing director Terry Thomas is adding the extra words to all cheque books .
12 Second , we also promote good health : in 1992 the BMA published ‘ Cycling : Towards Health and Safety ’ ( OUP ) , which points out the health benefits of cycling , and they have since issued the leaflet ‘ Bike for your Life ’ , which has been distributed to all GP 's .
13 Second , we also promote good health : in 1992 the BMA published ‘ Cycling : Towards Health and Safety ’ ( OUP ) , which points out the health benefits of cycling , and they have since issued the leaflet ‘ Bike for your Life ’ , which has been distributed to all GP 's .
14 Second , we also promote good health : in 1992 the BMA published ‘ Cycling : Towards Health and Safety ’ ( OUP ) , which points out the health benefits of cycling , and they have since issued the leaflet ‘ Bike for your Life ’ , which has been distributed to all GP 's — a copy of this is enclosed .
15 Our experience has shown that this is a useful way to start the student reviewing the bottom line of the worksheet , i.e. the balance sheet , and asking the question in relation to all asset balances : ‘ Is there a future benefit ? ’
16 Why had she felt so — so vulnerable , so edgy with him , that , when Cara was so desperate for her to do that interview , she had by her uppity manner just about said goodbye to all chance of that .
17 Can splice me to all space
18 But it does not follow , as Strawson asserts that it does , that we should have to take an objective attitude to all behaviour just like the attitude we now take to behaviour we call abnormal .
19 It is universally applicable and it ‘ is to violence , and therefore , to all tyranny , all injustice , what light is to darkness ’ .
20 A spate of mountain bike thefts in Newton Aycliffe has prompted a call by police to all bike owners to postcode and insure their cycles .
21 The Queen must give the royal assent to all legislation .
22 So far as the view is intended to be a strictly subjective one , it is capable of being summarised , frivolously but informatively , in a single word — ‘ jaundiced ’ ; but that , perhaps applies to all legislation and not exclusively to modern legislation .
23 On Nov. 4 a political grouping , the Union of the Democratic Left , was created , open to all centre-left parties .
24 In other words it should express , in terms meaningful to all company functions , agreed targets as to what product range(s) are to be sold in which market(s) in what quantities per year over the planning period .
25 The clearing house may or may not belong to the exchange , but it is the counterparty to all exchange based futures and options contracts .
26 the Problem Administrator has access to all problem reports ( using the System Administrator 's password ) , and
27 the Problem Solver has access to all problem reports but may only list reports assigned to him .
28 The Local Government ( Access to Information ) Act 1985 requires the public and press to be admitted to all council committees and sub-committees unless specified business exempts items of the agenda from the provisions of the Act .
29 The Strategy will be sent next week to all Council Members , local law societies and interested third parties .
30 The Right to Buy given to all Council tenants opposed by the Labour Party , has allowed one point two million Council homes to be sold to their existing tenants and make them home owners , and home ownership is a central plank of our policy .
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