Example sentences of "to you [that] " in BNC.

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1 It might already have occurred to you that the routine can be varied to produce different benefits .
2 ‘ Did it ever occur to you that everything in this world has had to be designed ? ’ asks Sir Terence Conran , pausing for the significance of his question to sink in .
3 I want to suggest to you that God has a far more positive attitude to failure than most of us .
4 Even Marie herself might have confessed to you that it was ‘ daft ’ : she saw how improbable it was , but in her desperate need for comfort , for attention and affection , she still believed it … .
5 ‘ Well for one thing , does it sound likely to you that he 'd make up something so complicated ? ’
6 Does n't it occur to you that the rejuvenators can afford to give themselves a discount ? ’
7 I must here point out to you that any attempts on the part of people outside the project to have any contact with the child will be vigorously rejected .
8 It was obviously not made clear to you that the so called Collateral Agreement should have been signed ‘ Under Seal ’ , by which I presume is meant in front of a Notary Public .
9 But I am surprised your powers of observation have not already made it clear to you that he is in reality more than that .
10 But a hundred things should have indicated to you that my father is a figure of unusual distinction from whom you may learn a wealth of things were you prepared to be more observant . ’
11 It is only if you kneel down and call him to you that will he come slowly for his apology .
12 First , I suggest to you that it may be morally permissible to allow a baby to die by non-intervention .
13 ‘ Well , I — ’ ‘ I put it to you that you had always loved Elinor Farr .
14 It may seem obvious to you that you do n't love them any less , but it is n't obvious to them — especially if you are in the habit of saying , ‘ You 've been naughty .
15 Now if I were to suggest to you that in some gay bars the ‘ lads ’ pop off to the toilets that number of times to indulge themselves , then you might think I was repeating lurid propaganda put about by the puritan league .
16 When he saw on television the public cheering me and reaching out to shake my hand , he said , ‘ You know , it 's not everyone who says ‘ well done ’ to you that means it .
17 And when you have that level of confidence it 's easy to do things because , you know , you just do it ; it never occurs to you that you might not be capable of pulling something off .
18 Is it important to you that David Jason 's character in A Touch of Frost has a girlfriend or a wife ?
19 ‘ Mildred , ’ said Miss Hardbroom heavily , ‘ does it seem likely to you that I would be standing here in the middle of a raging inferno , casually rounding up all you girls ? ’
20 It would n't occur to you that — ’
21 ‘ There is no certain cure for this ; I might pretend to you that there was , but that would be to deceive you .
22 Has it ever occurred to you that I was wedded and bedded and well pregnant by the time I was your age ?
23 Analysis is a very slow process and it takes a long time to weed through the past and try to discover what things happened to you that affected you .
24 ‘ Has it occurred to you that this Morris fellow and my brother were in this thing together ? ’ he said softly .
25 There are so many options available to you that sometimes it 's hard to know where to start !
26 It 's no thanks to you that one of the five stab wounds did not kill your friend Shane Lay there and then .
27 Did that exhibition suggest to you that Pop Art was a thrusting and lively activity with a relevance in contemporary art , or that it had become a comfortable and nostalgic moment in art history ?
28 It 's thanks to you that he 's in this mess right now .
29 But I would like to say to you that in my view , and in the view of the organisation I represent , Phoenix Trust , by and large the time is long past for analysis .
30 So if I was to say to you that you can take him to the Justices if that 's your pleasure - " He turned and fixed Sir Gregory with eyes that radiated hatred from beneath fiery brows — " I do n't think you 'd like that , would you ?
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