Example sentences of "to problem that " in BNC.

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1 In fact the Allies were ill-fitted to assume this responsibility and unlikely to find solutions to problems that were largely of their own making .
2 They went along with populist solutions to problems that if not actually created by the Nazis , had certainly been worked on and exaggerated to the Nazis ' own advantage .
3 Apart from its direct interpretation , the TSP can also be applied to problems that have nothing to do with towns and salesmen .
4 The problems engineers resolve cut across mathematics , science and art , offering solutions to problems that arise in the specifics of building .
5 Learned behaviour in any particular society includes those ideas , techniques and habits which are passed on by one generation to another — in a sense , a social heritage — and which are virtually a set of solutions to problems that , in the course of time , others have met and solved before .
6 The jury 's note should have alerted the judge to problems that might occur .
7 But , instead of feeling sorry for yourself and resentful towards others , you should endeavour to find permanent solutions to problems that have overshadowed your day-to-day existence for some time .
8 In Patterson v. McLean Credit Union the court had ruled that an 1866 Civil Rights law prohibiting discrimination in making a contract applied " only to the formation of a contract , but not to problems that may arise later " .
9 Yet , despite the rapid growth of these more recent subjects , history retains its traditional importance in higher education , since its social , cultural , economic and political concerns provide us with an interdisciplinary approach to problems that includes the perspectives and many of the methods of the various social sciences , yet also seeks to establish a broader , overall assessment of the issues it examines .
10 What do we do when we 're engaged in a drama and the children come up with solutions to problems that are historically inaccurate ?
11 On the contrary , the TEI community is a particularly demanding one : the purpose of research is to discover solutions to problems that have not yet been posed , and any scheme designed to support research must therefore place more emphasis on flexibility and extensibility to cope with the unforeseen than on highly optimized solutions to well understood problems .
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