Example sentences of "to what [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A more accurate way of conveying the thought that men exist or that dragons are fictional would be by saying " For some ( at least one ) x , x is a man " and " Nothing is a dragon " ; employing expressions , that is , that correspond to what logicians call , " quantifiers " , and enable us to dispel any lingering illusion that existential propositions might have a subject/predicate structure .
2 The 30-year-old victim was using a public lavatory in Leyton , east London , shortly before 6am when the two men struck , pushing him into a cubicle and subjecting him to what Scotland Yard called a ‘ serious sexual assault ’ .
3 In fact , the approach of modifying tasks until dissociations emerge is logically equivalent to what statisticians term ‘ optional stopping ’ .
4 However , insofar as the theories that make up our scientific knowledge are fallible and incomplete , the guidance that theories offer as to what observations are relevant to some phenomenon under investigation may be misleading , and may result in some important factors being overlooked .
5 They will be known as City Technology Colleges , and they will be selective , though how and according to what criteria the pupils are to be chosen is not yet clear .
6 This analysis corresponds to what Marr terms a ‘ computational theory ’ of edge detection , since it specifies the goal of the computation and the strategy by which it will be carried out .
7 As potential functional weaknesses emerge during the design appraisal further consideration is given to what functions might be allocated to the man or machine to provide greater mutual support .
8 As the war proceeded , Western uncertainty increased as to what developments to expect .
9 Contrary to what folk models of the RUC might lead one to expect , most policemen and women at Easton have not even drawn their gun , let alone fired it .
10 Despite the careful arguments of Mr. Ashworth and Mr. Harvey McGregor , there is nothing I can usefully add to what Dillon L.J .
11 Alternatively , they could be precise , leaving less doubt as to what tasks would correspond to the attainments described , but reducing the scope for teachers and pupils to vary the order and manner in which things are taught and learnt .
12 The Conservative Election victory in 1970 had removed , for the time being at least , the prospect of the School 's being compelled to join the Independent sector , and allowed thought to be given at some length as to what Independence might entail .
13 As to what Parliament so prescribes , one must look to the Act delegating the power to legislate in order to discover what conditions it is necessary to fulfil in order for the instrument in question to acquire validity .
14 Briefly put , the law is now back to what Parliament had intended when it enacted the Act of 1906 — but stronger and clearer than it was then . ’
15 SAN QUENTIN POINT was photographed on waste ground close to what Baltz has described as " the most notoriously affluent and bourgeois suburban county in California " .
16 There were limits to what Karen would let you do .
17 At first the leaders just listened to what Karen and the others said about the factory .
18 Also there is more outside scrutiny as to what consultants and owners of the business are paid .
19 Here one immediately has a sociological concept to work on — but to what purpose ?
20 There are certain properties we inherit but it is the conditions we live under which dictate how we will develop them and to what purpose we will put them .
21 To what purpose ?
22 I could continue to talk about this disease indefinitely but to what purpose ?
23 To what purpose ? ’
24 To what purpose are par yields , spot yields and forward yields put ?
25 In this convenient distinction , we can say , in a fairly non-technical way , that utterances are spoken and sentences are written and that we will apply these terms to what Lyons describes as ‘ the products of ordinary language-behaviour ’ .
26 We should note that this fixing of the deictic centre is particularly appropriate to what Lyons ( 1977 : 637 ) calls
27 One thing which , it seems , has been sorted out is that contrary to what SINEAD O'CONNOR said in this very organ recently , her record company have emphatically denied that she 's going to stop making records .
28 Let me just put you in the picture there Brian , what , what Lorne has agreed subject to what guarantees have been given
29 This is the background to what Clinton says clearly and unambiguously and Bush says in a more round-about way on the subject of the arts .
30 Artemis had a vague idea as to what accidents were .
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