Example sentences of "to [Wh det] i " in BNC.

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1 In the ambience and tradition to which I am referring personality is defined in terms of breadth and contrast ; the effect is at once stereophonically-internal — a number of speakers has been installed , so to speak — and invasive .
2 David Esterley working on a Gibbons reproduction with the tools ‘ to which I am more attached than anything . ’
3 This is a conference which keeps very much in mind the symbolic advice offered in that pamphlet , to which I alluded just now , the one which tells you how to lay out election leaflets .
4 The inspectors , through their union , say they are underfunded and understaffed ( to which I would add the problem of incredibly low morale ) .
5 ‘ You will add great distinction to the office in ways to which I could not aspire ; but I fear you will find a great deal of the work here work which does not really interest you . ’
6 I have the gratification , if such it be , that people not infrequently come up to me and say , ‘ Mr Powell , I wish all politicians were like you , ’ to which I reply , ‘ God help you , the place would be a madhouse . ’
7 On the one hand — and this is a point to which I shall return — there is a dual claim against Lukács ' evolutionism ( to the effect that different levels of a social formation are relatively autonomous : crudely , if bourgeois society is decadent this does not necessarily mean , as Lukács thought it did , that its art is too ) , and in favour of the possibility of being able to pass a positive ‘ aesthetic judgement ’ upon a particular work however questionable the general category under which it has been produced ( a position related to Brecht 's polemic against Lukács ) .
8 The story takes us through his films , shows , tours , from The Man Who Fell To Earth ( about which Nicholas Roeg recalls , ‘ I was asked by the company — can he act ? — to which I replied — what do you mean can he act ?
9 I was trying to communicate between David and Tony , trying to get them to talk to each other , and as a result was going back and forth between the two of them which was a very frustrating experience , added to which I was tired from being on the road and I was very unhappy .
10 That kind of family life is the ideal , the only real family life , the one to which I aspire … .
11 Later , habit was to help me to find Aunt Louise with the assurance of a homing pigeon ; now , hesitant of asking the way ( being unable to read on the faces of those I encountered whether they were patients or helpers ) , I had great difficulty in finding the right building ; and then — up ill-lit stone staircases and along corridors — in finding the ward to which I had been directed .
12 1.7 , a point of some significance in the context of this essay , and one to which I shall return later ) , or take them to the Temple for the ritual redemption of the first-born ( idem ) ; they were exempt from making the thrice-yearly pilgrimage to Jerusalem at the feasts of Passover , Pentecost and Tabernacles ( Hag .
13 Most importantly , this brotherhood was seen as extending laterally across a generation , vertically to fathers , grandfathers , sons and grandsons , and ultimately to God — a point to which I shall return .
14 In the group to which I paid closest attention my surprise was more at the unremarkable calibre of several who did get through than at any apparently unfairly rejected .
15 Von Schirach pointed out that ‘ this unlimited , almost religious veneration , to which I contributed as did Goebbels , Göring , Hess , Ley , and countless others , strengthened in Hitler himself the belief that he was in league with Providence ’ .
16 ‘ Someone was supposed to have come up to me and said , ‘ Did n't you know that there are many starving people in Ethiopia ? ’ to which I 'm supposed to have said , ‘ Yeah .
17 A study of how the various crofting communities handled these pressures , outside the law and largely by ignoring it , might be instructive in the field of human relationships to which I have referred , but it would be difficult now to carry it out because that period in crofting has passed into history .
18 For instance , I can see that writing this book is a function of my job and as such is part of the responsibility of earning a living , but it is also an escape for me , a kind of haven to which I can take refuge from the hundred and one pressures that impinge on the practical business of living .
19 All round the main building were wooden huts , and Hut 6 , to which I was posted , was a large one about sixty feet long , divided by plasterboard partitions into several rooms , all of which contained the simplest and most basic furniture .
20 Not all objectors to the Hinkley C plan supported such a straightforward advocacy of coal , especially with the growing problems of acid rain pollution and the greenhouse effect to which I shall return in Part Three .
21 If you have ever had the privilege of meeting such men , you will no doubt know of the quality they possess to which I refer .
22 On the particular afternoon to which I am referring , his lordship would still have been in his mid-fifties ; but as I recall , his hair had greyed entirely and his tall slender figure already bore signs of the stoop that was to become so pronounced in his last years .
23 I knew that informed public opinion might be shifting , but also that the school to which I hoped to return as head would not yet be very different from the one which I had left as a history teacher .
24 It was Axelrod who coined the technical meaning of the word ‘ nice ’ to which I alluded in my opening paragraph .
25 This fact would appear to reflect the land potential to which I referred in Chapter 4 .
26 My wife began , I know not whether by design or chance , to enquire what she should do , if I should by any accident die , to which I did give her some slight answer , but shall make good use of it to bring myself to some settlement for her sake , by making a will as soon as I can . ‘
27 I may have to learn a notion of proof different from that to which I am accustomed .
28 They sent Respighi 's music , Pines of the Appian Way , marching through my head , to which I gave bass accompaniment with my hat .
29 This was a significant achievement in the highly competitive situation to which I have referred .
30 To follow this basic tenet , it would first be necessary to answer an apparently obvious question to which I have devoted much of my life .
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