Example sentences of "to [pers pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These four , in Clara 's year , were the hard core of self-satisfied splendour , and to them others had been added .
2 ‘ Aoew , ’ she replied , ‘ I never listen to them things ! ’
3 happens , and somebody has to sort out why it happened and who did it to them things like that .
4 To them Jesus is someone with special powers , almost like a hypnotist , who could place inside a person the belief that he or she could be healed and therefore show faith .
5 To them Baxendale resigned active management in 1847 , devoting the last twenty-five years of his life to his various property , investment , and charitable interests .
6 when we went to them horses ?
7 As Whitehall began to treat directly with nationalists , doling out to them bits of ‘ responsibility ’ as DOs were wont to do with their native authorities , the mystique of the boma began to wither away : in the DO 's apotheosis lay paradoxically the seeds of his decline .
8 To them Heathcote does all the wrong things , says all the wrong things , and writes in the wrong way .
9 The River Thames had received them with some kindness , not passing on to them hepatitis or typhoid or any of the other plagues its waters might be carrying .
10 To them mathematics will be relevant if it helps their children gain a qualification which , in turn , will enable them to obtain a good job .
11 To them RE is an embarrassment , something to avoid , forget or oppose .
12 Got ta get used to them though. , it 's .
13 The key to them lies in the title of the second series — Christian Behaviour .
14 The links are not logical , but associative , and the clue to them lies in the already noted ambivalence of the word character .
15 Loyal service was recognised when Charles arranged for the commemoration at St-Denis of two particularly close fideles , extending to them benefits until then made available only to the king 's blood-relatives .
16 If a power of appointment , either in law or in fact , is vested in trade unions , the effect is not only to arrogate to them rights attaching only to ownership , but to establish them in this particular matter as the constitutional equals of Parliament .
17 A ‘ radical change ’ within that total system and in the name of industrial democracy , to the advantage of the trade unions , could only be secured by attributing to them rights inhering in ownership .
18 And er they are attracted to them type of building .
19 In other species , she stays beside the nest and when the young hatch , brings food to them day after day .
20 Did you send it out to them Rose ?
21 In practice , those with established political views will have no difficulty in recognising comments with which they disagree and putting them promptly in the Favourable to Them column .
22 … one can not begin to understand a number of contemporary English novelists unless one realises that to them Joyce 's way is at best a cul-de-sac .
23 Yeah you 're not tied to them dates at all .
24 To them stress occurs when that point has been well passed , and tiredness becomes exhaustion , commitment becomes slog , resourcefulness becomes desperation and challenge becomes threat .
25 Otherwise expand n , generating all its successors , and attach to them pointers back to n .
26 wrote to them complaints and
27 1986 No. 1925 ) , for an order that the accountants should , pursuant to section 236(2) ( c ) and ( 3 ) of the Insolvency Act 1986 , produce to them documents relating to , or having any connection with , that acquisition and the audits of A. Plc. for 1987 and 1988 .
28 But ooh I would n't like to go back to them days I 'm sure I would n't .
29 Conversely , those whom he is supposed to desire , and always in specified ways , namely women , he is discouraged from identifying with : that would equal effeminacy ; so in relation to them desire for precludes identification with .
30 Lester added to them Crawford , Buster Keaton , Sir Michael Hordern and Roy Kinnear , and began the hazardous task of amending the script and Stephen Sondheim 's musical numbers .
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