Example sentences of "to [be] taken " in BNC.

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1 Care has to be taken by a critic in any of these cases to describe works as definitely as possible .
2 Hitherto a shameful brothel man , Salim is uplifted by their meetings in his flat : ‘ My wish for an adventure with Yvette was a wish to be taken up to the skies . ’
3 Fairly early in Take a girl like you , Patrick delivers himself of an unqualified condemnation of women , which is followed by a sentence from the narrator concerning and presumably condemning Patrick 's attitude to Jenny at that stage , as a girl to be taken and left : ‘ He wanted more than his share of her before anybody else had any . ’
4 In fact , those who most seem to be themselves appear to me people impersonating what they think they might like to be , believe they ought to be , or wish to be taken to be by whoever is setting standards .
5 The piece needs to be taken at a good pace and in high spirits .
6 Secondly , there is the problem of the Northern catholic community , which tends to be taken as a monolithic nationalist community .
7 There is a point in everyone 's life , he wrote , when all caution must , as they say , be thrown to the winds , all doubts stilled , when the most extreme risks have to be taken .
8 As data security is such a fundamental issue for all computer users , programs which enable back-ups to be taken are supplied with each PC .
9 In consequence , according to the rule book , I now had to be taken seriously .
10 In late November , bring the pots into a greenhouse or cool place to acclimatise , ready to be taken indoors .
11 For in a similar vein to the criminal ‘ enemy ’ , the researcher 's activities are across the bounds , a challenge to be taken on , attacked , and , destroyed or at least to be denied .
12 Thanks to his hobby some splendid pictures of his son and daughter 's early life were preserved — on their tricycles , walking through the local park , playing with their cousins , skating and skiing , and some more imposing ones of them with the grown-ups — getting into the car while Kerry the chauffeur holds the door open ; looking very serious with the uncles and aunts , their mother appearing to be taken up with the idea of not being photographed with them !
13 There were some practical considerations to be taken into account before the work could actually commence however .
14 The guards are removed so great care has to be taken and hands kept well clear of the blade ( below left and right ) .
15 If someone dies in hospital , they may rest in the hospital mortuary , or the funeral director will arrange for the body to be taken to the chapel of rest .
16 Everyone has the right to a church funeral , and for the body to be taken to the church , but it is not necessary to have a service at a funeral whether it is a burial or a cremation .
17 The legal unit will keep groups informed as necessary , but we expect that no action will need to be taken by existing recognised groups in any case .
18 Amongst the performance criteria to be taken into account when deciding allocations will be councils ' willingness to involve the private sector in the management and maintenance of its housing stock , and the extent of tenant participation in the management of estates .
19 This is the very first idea to be taken into consideration when a choreographer starts to work with music .
20 There are other considerations to be taken into account when the ballet has a story .
21 It generates a lot of heat , so care needs to be taken positioning the fitting .
22 Care has to be taken to make sure no excessive currents can flow during these transients .
23 But how it could be brought to bear on specific political decisions that had to be taken in for instance the 1930s — this was far from clear even to Eliot himself , if we judge from the dryly disenchanted tone of many of his editorial pronouncements and observations in The Criterion .
24 Already as a young man of twenty-four he had pressed Eliot 's claims upon his seniors , John Crowe Ransom and Donald Davidson , in the circle of the Nashville ‘ fugitives ’ ; and this initially provincial dispute was played out on a national stage as early as 1923 when , in the New York Evening Post Literary Review , Ransom , with the courtly composure that was to be his hallmark , tried to promote Robert Graves before Eliot , only to be taken to task in the same columns by his younger associate .
25 Sir : If Labour is to suggest the setting up of a specialist labour court ( 30 September ) , then such a momentous change in the industrial relations system deserves more discussion , and needs to be taken out of the hot-house of Labour Party conference politics .
26 But the drugs that can reduce it have to be taken for life , and many have unpleasant side-effects .
27 The NUM leader — vice-chairman of the constituency party — said any such decision would have to be taken by the Yorkshire area of the NUM .
28 Mr Wyatt said action would have to be taken at the Total Power Tools offshoot , which has not been performing well .
29 Mr Prescott 's demand for the tunnel to be taken into public ownership goes beyond existing Labour Party policy .
30 First , the work is dramaturgically polite ; it consults its audience too much to be taken seriously as drop-out theatre .
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