Example sentences of "in small [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many actors start in the fringe productions — in small theatres almost as intimate as television , material concentrating on highly detailed reality .
2 So we decided on a special release pattern — an opening in New York a couple of months before any place else , play-off in small theatres with long engagements , letting word of mouth build an audience . ’
3 But after a time , as County Bank went for larger and larger transactions , Mr Wilson , who has a penchant for smaller companies , wanted to get involved in small development capital transactions and smaller management buy-outs .
4 In small country stations , a husband and wife team might run the station together .
5 The geographical distribution of foreign direct investment ( FDI ) in many developing countries has meant job openings for women not only in the cities but also in small country towns and rural areas .
6 Serve in small slices after a fairly plain main course .
7 Closely-related snow buntings Plectrophenax nivalis winter in small flocks where the snow is thinnest on the southern tundra , and fly northward to breed on the high arctic tundra in summer , when snow still plentiful on the ground ( Pattie , 1972 , 1977 ) .
8 Often flies fast in small flocks .
9 Gregarious , in small flocks .
10 More exclusively a desert bird than Desert Lark , usually avoiding bushes and even rocks ; frequently seen in small flocks .
11 This year Becker and Graf , who were born six miles apart in small towns near Heidelberg , cornered the major prizes at both Wimbledon and the US Open .
12 Such enterprises now account for more than 60 per cent of industrial employment in countries as far apart as Ghana and Tanzania ; more than half of them are located in small towns and villages , and the extended family is their most important source of labour ; they contribute at least a quarter of total manufacturing output ; and typically they employ between one and ten workers .
13 But in towns , even in small towns it is not the same .
14 It is difficult to persuade those who exercise authority in conventional terms that there are other forms of power than theirs : more diffuse but more pervasive ; less aggressive but more enduring , to be round in small towns and rural villages .
15 We know even less about supplies of cooking energy in urban India , especially in small towns .
16 And it is the relatively rich , in small towns and on the fringes of big cities , who create this demand .
17 Leaving aside the question of the relative competence of revenue and judicial officials , many magistrates , especially those in small towns , were young , inexperienced , and had very little knowledge of the island and its peoples .
18 Butchers in small towns were even less likely to reject cattle on the grounds that they might be stolen .
19 I 'm sure we 'll all be rooting for our boys in this one , or perhaps not , given that the only people who play it live in small towns in the Pyrenees .
20 The firm had several offices in small towns in the rural hinterland , and a partner from one of these would attend ‘ my ’ branch office on two days per week .
21 Telefonica de Espana SA and Diputacion de Barcelona — Barcelona Provincial Council — have signed an agreement to improve telecommunications in small towns , according to Computerworld Espana .
22 According to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency , some 75 banks have the right to sell insurance in small towns across 25 states .
23 It could remove banks ' existing right to sell insurance in small towns .
24 Throughout the post-1868 years the rural — urban balance was shifting away from the countryside in the wake of rapid population increase and industrialization , although up to the Pacific War at least half the population continued to reside in small towns and villages , and there was little absolute fall in the rural population until the late 1930s .
25 Therefore the Scott Committee recommended that , within rural areas , factories should be sited on vacant land in small towns rather than in villages or the open countryside .
26 The main concentrations of the elderly are therefore outside the metropolitan regions , and are more likely to be located in small towns than in villages or the open countryside — which tends to lack the public transport and range of local services that are important to elderly persons .
27 However , as the majority of schemes proposed was to have been in small towns where there was already a relatively good provision of council houses , they have often not been implemented .
28 They can get it in small towns and villages , not just from London .
29 As at Corbridge , they sometimes resemble rural dwellings , which should make us look again at some of the larger houses which occasionally occur in small towns further south .
30 Evidence for more exotic trades is also rather limited , except for the suggested school of mosaicists and sculptors at Water Newtons and Carlisles respectively ; it is not surprising , therefore , that mosaics are generally rare in small towns , even though they often occur in nearby villas .
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