Example sentences of "in her [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Mr Carson 's father has a prosperous cotton business in Manchester , ’ Mrs Carson said one day in her friendly manner .
2 A few weeks before , her brothers had deposited some things in her kitchen for safe-keeping , and while they were there Barbs had called and had asked , in her friendly and inquisitive fashion , what the cardboard boxes contained .
3 And another : ‘ it was not easy to make out Little Dorrit 's face , she was so retiring , a delicately bent head , a tiny form , a quick little pair of busy hands , what affection in her words , what compassion in her repressed tears , what a great soul of fidelity within her , how true the light that shed false brightness round her ’ .
4 Carrie is in her mid to late twenties and comes from Birmingham .
5 The number one cause is stress , which particularly affects the professional woman — often in her mid 20s to late 30s .
6 People often change their minds — a woman 's biological clock often asserts itself in her mid 30s , ’ cautions Jane .
7 She had of course a long-lasting career after that ; her voice survived , a little worn and reduced in range but still sturdy and steady , till retirement in 1951 , and her bestknown operatic recordings ( the HMV Rosenkavalier and first two acts of Die Walküre were made in her mid and late forties .
8 Keeping a balance between the competing needs was a great test of leadership and she was still only in her mid thirties .
9 She is not only asserting herself as an artist , she has painted herself with all the bloom and freshness of a young woman although she was in her mid sixties when it was made !
10 A woman in her mid forties was dragged into bushes by a man wearing a black stocking mask .
11 Coached by City sports administrator Gordon Dacre , the squad contains four of his daughters , one of whom , Kathryn , is only 12 and another , Helen , 14 , as well as a mother of two in her mid thirties in Helen Nicholson .
12 My mother did n't know until she was in her mid forties .
13 ‘ Imagine me , the wicked Baroness ! ’ says Susan Cecilia Wilberforce Dale de Stempel incredulously , sitting up very straight in her hard-backed prison chair .
14 High colour leapt to her cheeks as anger danced in her tawny eyes .
15 The agony of years was held in those short staccato sentences , and tears glimmered in her tawny eyes with the pain of confession .
16 Rory resolutely schooled her features to remain impassive , but could n't quite mask the glint in her tawny , almond-shaped eyes .
17 Instead she simply stared back at him , unaware of the naked vulnerability in her tawny almond-shaped eyes .
18 Hurt showed clearly in her tawny eyes as she gazed back at him .
19 ‘ Now , Adam , ’ she re-entered the kitchen with her chin tilted defiantly upward and a challenging glint in her tawny eyes , ‘ what 's so important that it could n't wait till a more reasonable time of day ? ’
20 When moving dancers from two feet to one in both open and closed sissonnes , the choreographer can make the movements dart over the floor as Aurora does in her final solo in The Sleeping Beauty .
21 The Angela Carter I knew and admired in her final years is a real presence in this book .
22 This is the fear that haunts President Aquino in her final days in Malacanang Palace before presidential elections on May 11 .
23 SO TRAGIC : In her final days
24 Note how Caroline 's long line in her final version enacts her meaning : going down and down , ‘ no end …
25 Not only was she sports captain she was also elected head girl in her final year at school , voted there by the pupils and the staff .
26 It is essential that Mrs G Lomas be kept informed of our deliberations , so that she can incorporate any revision of the Science Plan in her final document .
27 And in her final words to Wilekin in this exchange she manages to give an ambiguous hint that she may be prepared to entertain Wilekin — along with her husband : ( " You could go home , dear brother .
28 In her final report on the future of Europe , Kim Barnes looks at the opportunities the single market offers for young people .
29 She prospered at GSA nevertheless , coming out with the second highest marks in her final year , which should have given her a valuable travelling scholarship .
30 This would be a useful feature if it were not for the fact that a certain amount of vaginal discharge is perfectly normal and natural for a woman in her reproductive years ; and what is more , this natural discharge is subject to a fair amount of variation depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle .
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