Example sentences of "in write [that] " in BNC.

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1 Eliot was well aware it was all a business of transmission and reinterpretation of past interpretations as he shows in writing that ‘ Shakespeare acquired more essential history from Plutarch than most men could from the whole British Museum . ’
2 Many leaders did just that : Hugh Price Hughes could declare in writing that the National council ‘ represents the view of a majority of the Christian people of England ’ .
3 Elaborating later at a news conference , Mr Levy said Mr Shamir had assured him in writing that he would retain his positions as Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister , and one of his followers would be named to the next Likud-led government .
4 In the event of any capitalisation or rights issue by the Company , or of any consolidation , sub-division , reduction or other variation of its share capital , the number of shares subject to any option and the acquisition price may be adjusted by the Committee , with the approval of the Inland Revenue , subject to the auditors confirming in writing that such adjustment is , in their opinion , fair and reasonable .
5 If at any time the board of the faculty , on the advice of a course committee , is of the opinion that a student 's progress is unsatisfactory it shall send to the student due notice in writing that , unless there is an improvement , it will debar the student from taking examinations or will recommend to the Senate that the student be required to discontinue his studies .
6 I would like to put it in writing that women also like to worry about vast philosophical subjects , such as life , the universe and the price of YSL 's Rouge Intense lipstick .
7 The practitioner can and probably should ask Customs to confirm in writing that the fee notes are not tax invoices , which is important because Customs can recover from the supplier any VAT shown on his invoices ( VATA 1983 Sch 7 para 6 ( 1 ) — ( 3 ) ) .
8 The Trader shall be deemed to have elected to accept the terms set out in ( 2 ) of this Condition unless , before the transit commences , the Trader has agreed in writing that the Carrier shall not be liable for any loss or misdelivery of or damage to goods however or whenever caused and whether or not caused or contributed to directly or indirectly by any act , omission , neglect , default or other wrongdoing on the part of the Carrier .
9 ‘ He was told in writing that he was only going to be narrating for five minutes of the video , which is not what happened .
10 Meanwhile , the Open Software Foundation itself has denied in writing that OSF/1 will be de-emphasised out of existence .
11 Send them to your boss 's secretary , stating in writing that you are starting on the preparation of the report , as instructed , and are basing it on the enclosed terms of reference .
12 Lord Simon of Glaisdale has written : ‘ In 1951 Sir Winston [ Churchill ] particularly wanted [ Sir Walter Monckton ] in the unenviable post of Minister of Labour , and ( presumably by way of compensation ) undertook in writing that he should be appointed Lord Chief Justice on the next vacancy . ’
13 When this study was mounted participants were advised in writing that all findings would be reported to their medical practitioner , whom they should consult for their individual results .
14 The trustee , the debtor and any person stating in writing that he is a creditor may , at all reasonable times , inspect the file of proceedings ( r 7.31 ) .
15 The seller informed the buyer in writing that , if he did not pay the balance by a given date , the seller would try to re-sell the cars .
16 The Director of Education has confirmed in writing that the site shown on this drawing for educational use is acceptable .
17 In response to your indicative offer letter and further to our conversation today , I am confirming in writing that the shareholders have agreed that [ ] should be included on the shortlist for stage 2 of the Name sale process .
18 All of the tenants have been notified in writing that interested parties may wish to carry out internal inspections .
19 I should be grateful if you would , in accordance with the confidentiality undertaking , now return the Information memorandum to me and at the same time confirm in writing that you and your advisers have destroyed any further copies of the documentation .
20 I am therefore requesting , in accordance with the confidentiality undertaking , that the Information memorandum is returned to me and that at the same time you confirm in writing that you and your advisers have destroyed any further copies of the documentation .
21 I am pleased to confirm in writing that Christian Aid 's Executive Committee have agreed to Christian Aid supporting the proposed course , and that it should be at the University of Edinburgh .
22 Please would you therefore confirm in writing that cyclists , if necessary pushing their bikes , are to be treated as pedestrians and allowed to proceed .
23 In all cases the respondent may request in writing that the disciplinary findings be published .
24 ( c ) that any clients referred by the practice of the solicitor to that business are informed in writing that , as the customers of that business , they do not enjoy the statutory protection attaching to clients of a solicitor ; and
25 ( d ) that , where the business shares premises or reception staff with any practice of the solicitor , all customers of the business are informed in writing that , as customers of that business , they do not enjoy the statutory protection attaching to clients of a solicitor .
26 ( A ) that any clients referred by the multi-national partnership to the separate legal practice are informed in writing that , as clients of that practice , they do not enjoy the statutory protection attaching to clients of a multi-national partnership , and
27 ( B ) that , where the separate legal practice shares premises or reception staff with the multi-national partnership , all clients in England and Wales of the separate practice are informed in writing that , as clients of that practice , they do not enjoy the statutory protection attaching to clients of a multi-national partnership .
28 He has in writing that he is to be used — only — as an offensive midfielder both in games and — in training — .
29 Such application may be made at the time when the order is made ; if not then applied for , the practice required , at least in some courts , is that the applicant should certify in writing that he has notified the other party of the intended application .
30 Valuation reports must be sent at least monthly ( whereas in non-derivative portfolios only a six-monthly statement is required ) although in each case a customer may advise the firm in writing that he wishes to receive them less frequently .
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