Example sentences of "in one year " in BNC.

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1 The 25th Anniversary campaign had dramatic results : individual membership increased from 25,000 at the end of 1985 to 35,000 at the end of 1986 : a full 30 per cent increase in one year .
2 They would take policy reports to conference in one year , have party consultation and debate during the year , with voting and amendments in the subsequent year .
3 It is n't rare for a quarter of a million pounds to be spent on an act in one year .
4 When I left Uganda , my weight was 135 pounds , but in one year only 100 pounds were left , only bones were there .
5 Pearson made no fewer than eight quota films in one year at Julius Hagen 's Twickenham Studios , where one small stage was occupied around the clock , and pictures that had been scripted in a fortnight were filmed in another two weeks .
6 So though it wo n't provide a killing in one year , it may cut risk , he concludes .
7 Mary of Guise had apparently managed to do , in one year , what Henry VIII and Somerset had failed to do in seven .
8 The Duke told him he had given the trees priority over the house because they took longer to become established , but Kalm drily commented in his diary that his wealth was such that he could have built ‘ a most handsome castle in one year or less ’ .
9 But look , ’ — David was beginning to spray ideas around the small office in his enthusiasm — ‘ Peru has a rich sea but no advanced fishing vessel and yet a medium-sized ship can net ten million dollars of fish in one year ! ’
10 Possibly more champions are made up in one year in Australia than the total achieved in the UK since the breed 's first introduction .
11 Before the Brue valley drainage in 1770 , 10,000 sheep rotted in one year in the Somerset parish of Mark .
12 Do you know who was the first to coach the men 's and women 's champions in one year ?
13 That 's the equivalent amount of time that is spent in the average household washing up in one year .
14 Hindle 's survey at the University of Lancaster , where a departmental selection system operated , showed that in one year a total of 17 departments had added books on the subject of ‘ operational research ’ to their collections — two of these ordering more titles than the operational research department itself .
15 About 1844 there was yet another period of spiritual prosperity and in one year over 300 people found Christ .
16 It also recognises that there is a limit to the number of changes that a school can undertake in one year .
17 In addition to the above sites three others held a total of six birds in one year between 1962 and 1965 , and five held a total of 15 birds only in 1975 ; two of these new areas in 1975 were recently filled reservoirs .
18 Although up to eight have been seen in one year , Bitterns are not annual in Sussex .
19 You ca n't use extra national insurance contributions in one year to make up a shortfall in another ; each year has to stand on its own .
20 British Telecom profits doubled in one year and the public waited for increases in telephone charges , the the usual consequence .
21 Ominously for users of the postal services , the Post Office was reported to have quadrupled its profits in one year .
22 It breeds rapidly — a single female may produce 200–300 offspring in one year — and its mass production and distribution present few difficulties , although it does not thrive everywhere , is subject to disease and predation itself and may sometimes eat the wrong prey .
23 This means that the car could lose 50 per cent of its value in one year .
24 The University has turned round a large trading loss in one year .
25 In one year alone she was overseeing twelve undergraduates , of whom eleven emerged with first-class degrees .
26 Waites has had to contend with all these signs in one year with no chance to adapt slowly to their effects .
27 Sarah Clarke , who has been burgled twice in one year , also feels much more vulnerable .
28 in one year or less , or on demand ;
29 any sub-lease would be outside the Landlord and Tenant Act and would include a rent review in one year 's time as per their own lease ;
30 In one year 's time I would be doing At each stage you move backwards through time and ask your unconscious mind to help you see a picture of yourself being highly successful on your way to completion of your objectives .
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