Example sentences of "it to make [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Patricof plans to invest further sums in Neill allowing it to make acquisitions on the Continent .
2 VARI is not a new process — Lotus first used it to make Elite bodies in 1974 .
3 I do n't think they 're in it to make zillions and zillions of pounds , I think they 're in it to make great records .
4 We do n't want it to make teachers more accountable .
5 Once you 've built a fully computerized factory , you can take out the lights , shut the door and leave it to make engines or vacuum cleaners or whatever , all on its own in the dark .
6 Sometimes the Constitution limits the executive or subordinate local bodies ; sometimes it limits the legislature also , but only so far as amendment of the Constitution itself is concerned ; and sometimes it imposes restrictions upon the legislature which go far beyond this point and forbid it to make laws upon certain subjects or in a certain way or with certain effects .
7 We need to ratify it to make progress towards European Union if the Community is to remain an anchor of stability and prosperity in a rapidly changing continent , building on its success over the last quarter of a century .
8 Mr Kirkwood predicted : ‘ It will either get adequate support to allow it to make progress , or it will be unable to continue , and that would be disastrous for companies like Orde . ’
9 Stuart Harper ( Points of View , 6 February ) welcomes the Government 's decision to provide him with data on examination results so that he can use it to make decisions on schools in ‘ the Government 's market-place for education . ’
10 We observe a set of events , and decide that they have one explanation which is vastly more probable than all others ; so we come to believe that this explanation is correct , and we use it to make predictions in future .
11 He had taken a sheet of writing paper from the desk and used it to make notes during the meeting .
12 In many cases the large size of a company , which is the source of its market power , may enable it to make cost savings which , although not fully passed on , more than compensate for the distorting effects of an uncompetitive market structure .
13 Something has to be done about it to make parents realise that these are classified as unsuitable for children because they genuinely are unsuitable for children . ’
14 Once you decide to get rid of a Windows application , it 's vital to make copies of any important data you 've created with it to make copies of any important data you 've created with it before embarking on a ‘ slash and burn ’ policy .
15 The traditionalism of egalitarian feminist psychology gains it a hearing in the conventional discipline , and allows it to make changes within the established framework .
16 WHITBREAD , the brewer and retailer , yesterday warned that mounting bad debts in its economically-troubled heartland of southern England will force it to make provisions totalling about £47m in the full-year to the end of February .
17 In 1987 the bank raised £700m in a rights issue , only to use it to make provisions of £1.02bn against sovereign debt , a move that pushed the Midland into its first ever loss .
18 The success of the 1990 ADT London Marathon has allowed it to make grants totalling £247,300 to London Boroughs .
19 The developmentalists grabbed it and used it to make distance between the materially rich and poor nations so that very soon ‘ Third World ’ universally connoted poverty , overpopulation , disease , disorder , illiteracy , violent social upheavals and every imaginable human horror .
20 The idea is that the mind , stimulated by key words or phrases in the text , or by the context , activates a knowledge schema , and uses it to make sense of the discourse .
21 Its clean-cut image , it is hoped , may help it to make advances where the scruffier tendencies in lesbian and gay politics have failed .
22 Other ideas include mixing straw with sewage to make compost , which is being tried out at sewage works near Oxford and using it to make paper , which it was widely used for until the 40s .
23 And , and , yes they ma use it to make paper and , as you say , to put a thickener in paints and things like that .
24 To conceive a child deliberately in order to kill it to make use of its tissue , the idea is absolutely repugnant . ’
25 Already in Predynastic times they were using it to make beads , and throughout the Dynastic period it was employed together with lapis lazuli , carnelian and coloured glass to infill cloisonné work on jewellery , notably on the breast ornaments worn by Tutankhamun ( Plate I ) .
26 Under Section 26 of the Local Government Finance Act 1982 , the Commission has a duty to undertake comparative and other studies to enable it to make recommendations for improving VFM .
27 Section 26 gives the Commission power to undertake studies designed to enable it to make recommendations for improving authorities ' ‘ economy , efficiency and effectiveness ’ .
28 And we also did a bit of leather work to , where we used to hammer the the leather and put colours on to it to make purses and that sort of thing .
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