Example sentences of "it to have [be] " in BNC.

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1 I believe it to have been factually true that Crossman 's ambition to gain and retain Cabinet office was the aspiration to be in a position to observe what goes on as an academic or a philosopher observes .
2 A painting in 1871 by Edward Smith , now in the City Museum , shows it to have been fairly large , partly domestic and partly industrial .
3 I affirm it to have been a fine active stock of books which ought to be available in any good library service …
4 Despite the superficial stupidity of the action , it must have some special advantage in at least enough cases for it to have been the subject of natural selection .
5 For it to have left archaeological evidence it would have been necessary for it to have been manifested by a physical act of some kind , which would necessarily need to result in the production of something capable of preservation in the archaeological context .
6 The village reached its peak in the middle of the 19th century-when the population reached 846 and the occupations listed in the census of the time show it to have been totally self-sufficient .
7 The princes had not been mentioned and she assumed it to have been instructions for some special task commissioned privately by the new constable .
8 Idealisation of past relationships may reflect unsatisfied longings ; what is reported may be how old people would like it to have been .
9 It is considered to have aphrodisiac properties , and some believe it to have been the original ‘ forbidden fruit ’ and that the Seychelles were the site of the Garden of Eden .
10 Examination of recovered material shows it to have been a type I carbonaceous chondrite .
11 The era of the Prison Commission was by no means the golden age that nostalgia sometimes portrayed it to have been , but the verdict must be that its abolition magnified rather than minimized the deepening crisis into which the Prison Service was falling .
12 This door was closed too carefully , perhaps too stealthily , for it to have been any of Haverford 's doing .
13 In the epigram it is ‘ the citadel of Ilium taken ’ , and Pausanias calls it ‘ Troy taken and the departure of the Greeks ’ ; and so the description shows it to have been — not the night of terror but the morning after .
14 For the purpose of his decision in Re Sigsworth , the trial judge assumed it to have been proved that the deceased , Mary Ann Sigsworth , had been murdered by her son ; and the question was whether the son was entitled to her estate as ‘ issue ’ under the Act .
15 The fact that three quarters of those prescribed medication thought it to have been very or fairly effective may be thought to vindicate this as a first line approach , but side effects from anticholinergic drugs are common , and important diagnoses ( for example , a neurological condition ) may be delayed .
16 He thought he would not care if she had in truth done so , although he knew it to have been unnecessary .
17 Ought it to have been a palace ? "
18 It is absolutely clear that the Leader of the House has either no authority or insufficient courage to say whether that promise was categorical or whether it was what the country believes it to have been — evidence of a Prime Minister panicked into making a promise that he has no intention of keeping .
19 Out of the whole mess , Curtis took consolation from two factors — wounded and losing blood , the bastard would n't get far on foot , and into the bargain he had lost his knife — already on its way to Forensic , who would doubtless prove it to have been the murder weapon with which he had butchered his victims .
20 Teachers who claim to have been highly involved also claim to have used a wider variety of methods and feel more competent to conduct the review , believing it to have been more of a whole-school effort , more thorough and more useful in producing proposals for change .
21 In The Times Higher Education Supplement David Hencke reported that many college and polytechnic directors believed that universities ‘ are relaxing their validation standards to enable former colleges of education to start new arts and science degrees ’ , and quoted Edwin Kerr as being confident that colleges succeeding with CNAA validation would consider it to have been worthwhile .
22 Section 12(5) provides : … a person who , without having the consent of the owner or other lawful authority , takes a pedal cycle for his own or another 's use , or rides a pedal cycle knowing it to have been taken without such authority , shall … be liable …
23 The following have been found where the complement does seem to be entailed : ( 101 ) She was charged with receiving the mink-coat knowing it to have been stolen .
24 " The only safe and correct approach is not to allow an injunction to remain , even for a single day , if it was clearly wrong for it to have been granted . "
25 And this is at a time , of course , when we have other doors opening to us , which we shall need match funding , objective rural Dent , and er , er for the for the for the budget to be , it to have been cut in this way , is is is is very serious .
26 If anyone feels the property 's theirs , we 'd expect it to have been reported stolen .
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