Example sentences of "it always [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 It always struck me as ironic that these buildings , which had been designed to make that present appear futuristic , now served so well to make this present look exactly like the recent past .
2 a very able man in business matters , but unfortunately lame ; he had to support himself on a crutch , in addition to which the dark glasses he wore to hide some defect in his eyes , did not improve his appearance ; altogether it always struck me that the prominence of position he seemed to claim was undesirable .
3 Yet the government survived until March 1979 because it always managed to win any vote of confidence .
4 As the tailor never saw his subject , it always amazed me how well the dresses fitted .
5 It always amazed her to see that other people could live so comfortably upon such barren territory .
6 This trade was hardly predictable , relying as it did on the uncertain movements of the pelagic fish shoals , but it always attracted large fleets of foreign vessels , mainly those of the Eastern Block states .
7 I was ever so surprised when my belly started blowing up , it always felt so hard , and it was great to feel my baby moving about inside .
8 It always seemed to rain more at night .
9 I do n't think I had ever watched the dawn break until my Waaf days — certainly I had never stayed up all night before , and however many times I had to do it in the course of my duties , it always seemed to me a highly unnatural procedure .
10 It always seemed miraculous that the Maggot could fit himself into a small aircraft , for John Maggovertski was a huge man : six foot five and well over two hundred pounds , and none of those pounds was fat .
11 Although Piers Place was the most beautiful house I had owned or ever would own , it always seemed to be in need of structural repairs , there was a large attic floor which we did n't need ourselves and yet were disinclined to furnish for renting out , and the traffic on the main road outside seemed to increase with every year .
12 It always seemed to mar our visits .
13 It always seemed that they reappeared around Palm Sunday when people were pouring out of the churches carrying little sprays of olive leaves that looked silvery in the hard sunlight .
14 The psychologists attempted to polarise various issues such as massed versus spaced learning , whole versus part learning and transfer of training which had some face validity in appearing to identify general principles , but in practice it always seemed that the generalities vanished into the enormous variety of specific issues .
15 It always seemed very cold , grey , and deserted , not a bit like the picture in The Nottingham Graduate , but better , I imagine , than the canal at Dunkirk where a colourful fellow-student named Reynolds reputedly took his morning dip .
16 But it always seemed to me more important from L.G. 's point of view than from ours .
17 ‘ Well , it always seemed to me that the Cathars had got pretty close to it , ’ he said .
18 It always seemed like a momentary aberration .
19 Erm so it always seemed as if something else was the trigger for friendships .
20 Donated by a kind benefactor at some stage and affectionately known as " the old bomb " , it always seemed to get them to country open airs and cottage meetings but took exception to a trip to Sydney for a Congress .
21 I quickened my step to reach the quieter part of the hall , where it always seemed darker .
22 But when it when a bill came up and it would take away the money that we 'd saved for Kelly 's new school uniform , so it always seemed to come in a rush and there was always something needed like you know .
23 The Americans led 54–41 at half-time and it always seemed they could step up a few gears when required .
24 But it always seemed better once I had got the anger out of my system . "
25 It always seemed a waste to use up a couple of Gold Flake this way , but I always forget to buy cheaper cigarettes and anyway , the corner tabs on the cardboard packets make excellent roaches .
26 It always seemed like a pretty big deal to me , ’ he said .
27 He was a tall , burly man , in whose company , it always seemed to Rose , Steve looked like a prisoner .
28 It always surprised him that , apparently taking no account of him , she could yet recall comments he had made months earlier .
29 It always surprised me how few toys were actually used , even though there were cupboards full of them ; toys which indulgent fathers or uncles or stepfathers brought home from trips abroad or from some new shop in Abu Dhabi .
30 It always surprised him a little that it was possible to fix the attention on the room itself , its furniture and objects , even before the bodies had been packaged and taken away , as if in their fixed and silent decrepitude they had for a moment become part of the room 's artefacts , as significant as any other physical clue , no more and no less .
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