Example sentences of "it only [art] " in BNC.

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1 If a weaving yarn is thick and slubby , consider weaving it only every third row .
2 They 'd been in it only a year , but Mrs Yardley had lavished as much effort on it as she had on her beautiful cake .
3 Is it only a fortnight ago , Dorothea asked herself in amazement ?
4 Life as the artists had known it only a few weeks earlier no longer existed .
5 There is , then , a long-established subcultural reading of Brief Encounter that cuts across its ostensible/mainstream meaning , but does this have any substantive base in the text itself or is it only a collective fantasy , a shared ‘ special thrill ’ ?
6 They told me that no one had ever been hurt like this ; but was n't it only a question of time ?
7 You would n't have believed from the pristine state of the scrubbed room overlooking the main road to London that a man had tried to starve himself to death in it only a few weeks before .
8 Emily sighed heavily , no more would she sit beneath those trees reading or idling away her days so carelessly as she had done , was it only a few short weeks ago ?
9 Is it only a paper tiger , or does it really have teeth ?
10 Another 36% liked it quite a lot , but almost as many men enjoyed it only a little , not very much or not at all ( 7% of our sample say they ca n't remember how they felt ) .
11 Nor is it only a matter of government consulting people about what it proposes to do .
12 But is this a legal or is it only a political right ?
13 Then he stopped , remembering that his status aboard the Simonova carried with it only a limited amount of authority .
14 ‘ Sam 's going to a new school , ’ Bella said , and time was oddly foreshortened in Albert 's head so that two or three minutes of silence passed between them and he thought it only a second .
15 • Decide on the space that is wholly yours , even if it only a table somewhere .
16 I saw him use it only a week ago . ’
17 Was it only a desire for conquest ?
18 This is not a new problem , nor is it only a local problem .
19 The other factor against a return was that I reckoned it only a matter of time before they stopped being DINKS ( double income , no kids ) and became WHANnies ( ‘ We have a Nanny ’ ) .
20 Is it only a temporary ?
21 Er that 's it only a very small one though
22 Is it only a thirty odd hour week ?
23 Nor is it only an influx into London .
24 At the moment , I am working on a novel and the kitchen table has on it only the ancient German electric typewriter which I use to type out the second draft of what I have already written by hand .
25 This pulsar is a compact neutron star , which rotates 642 times every second , and the detection makes it only the third pulsar known to emit light .
26 My left arm was dripping with blood , and when I tried to raise it only the top part moved , the rest hung limply by my side .
27 Is it only the recession that makes so many people , especially the young , talk so much about their job prospects ?
28 Like many of those discussed in this book , Foucault endorses the ethico-political project of establishing forms of knowledge that do not simply turn the other into the same : as he put it in 1968 , he wishes to find another politics than that which ‘ since the beginning of the nineteenth century , stubbornly persists in seeing in the immense domain of practice only the epiphany of a triumphant reason , or in deciphering in it only the historico-transcendental destination of the West ’ .
29 The Tsar rejected the Duma 's demands and permitted it only the briefest of sessions .
30 Is it only the additional or marginal cost to the employer providing the service for the employee , or is it a proportionate part of the total costs incurred by the employer in providing the facility to be used both by the public and by the employee ?
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