Example sentences of "it could [det] " in BNC.

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1 The slower the better , he wrote , since one of the problems is the speed with which it could all be over .
2 The kids loved the chants and the masks and puppets-usually Masquerade 's strength , although here even these lacked the usual imagination-but really it could all have been so much better in almost every respect .
3 It could all end in tears .
4 But the negotiators , led by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan 's Jalal Talabani and including the nephew of Masoud Barzani , the leader of the Kurdish Democratic Party , claimed that this time it could all be different .
5 ‘ I realise the market for what I do is very fickle and it could all come to a stop tomorrow .
6 You should be aware it could all end tomorrow .
7 However , it could all be thrown away if Labour was elected , an outcome that would risk the ‘ massacre of the innocent by the ignorant ’ .
8 Then again , it is always possible they tokenised the ban a ) because they felt they could get away with it ; b ) because the stars involved are too big to lose ( especially the photogenic Krabbe ) from the firmament of German sport ; c ) because if it could all be made to look like a mistake , world athletics might look that much cleaner ; d ) because they feared a backlash from the disenfranchised trio , in the form of wholesale revelations about the extent of drug use in athletics , both in Germany and all over the world ; and e ) arising perhaps out of D , they do n't feel like visiting a heavy punishment on their own girls , when there are many others the world over who are equally deserving of banishment .
9 It could all have been avoided with proper planning . ’
10 It could all be administered from one office .
11 She fled home on the underground , scolding herself for being such a coward , it could all be over now if she 'd been sensible .
12 Mama was on her pet hobbyhorse again and it was too foolish , really it was , to have a hurried wedding in London , where she hardly knew a soul , when it could all be so lovely at Lady Mead .
13 It could all be taken away if I lose my appeal . ’
14 There now ensues the nagging doubt that so often accompanies the crux of the climb ; it 's all very well getting this far , but until those crucial moves are made it could all still come to nought .
15 It was slightly dangerous to have three actors — they might have almost cancelled one another out , and become so modest and self-effacing and aware of each other 's talent that it could all have come to nothing , but Alan Bates is famous for not wanting to do talk shows , and I think he felt that with the other two there , there was safety in numbers .
16 It could all have been so different , so glorious .
17 ‘ Much more satisfactory if it could all be done in one fell swoop . ’
18 Alice was already thinking : Yes , tonight you 'd think we 'll all be friends for life , we could never harm each other , but it could all change , just like that !
19 If they were caught it could all turn out to be a mistake of course .
20 I told them the arguments put forward by Visual Effects , only to be told in return manufacturing a conical base would have been much easier as it could all have been done from one two-part mould in half the time . ’
21 It could all be resolved quite simply .
22 So far , Esther Ward had manage to keep the scandal contained to a certain degree , but he wondered how much longer it could all be brushed under the carpet .
23 It could all have been so different .
24 It could all have been taken care of without you bothering .
25 It could all have been arranged by telephone .
26 You could look at someone and like them , be excited , hopeful , and then , in the wink of an eye , it could all turn to dust .
27 Why this terrible fear that it could all go horribly wrong , that a dream was all she would ever know ?
28 Now she had to face the fact that it could all have been a sham .
29 Does the Minister agree that no matter what progress is made in energy efficiency — in Wales or in the west country , for example — it could all come to nothing if the Government press ahead and force British Gas to start up a new company for the transportation of gas through its pipelines ?
30 Well it could all just be his imagination as well .
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