Example sentences of "it has to " in BNC.

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1 Surveys of painting , it has to be admitted , are more fallible in this respect , partly because of the relative simplicity of the means used .
2 Cultural history and theory , it has to be said , have very extensive agenda , and art criticism is perhaps only a sub-paragraph under a secondary heading .
3 And it has to be said , he wrote , that its opposite , a feeling of elation , equally physical , equally extra-physical , has also been a constant feature of my life , manifesting itself regularly though impossible to predict , a reeling in the chest this time , the chest and perhaps the throat , a feeling of the heart leaping and the blood pumping , it came when I first took up a brush and made a mark on paper , it came when I picked up the first readymade and felt it transformed by that very action , it came when Madge rang to say she could not go on , when Annie wrote to say she was not coming back , when the idea of the glass first popped into my head .
4 Though it has to be said , he wrote , and Goldberg , his eye racing down the page covered in his friend 's tiny handwriting , paused to sip from the glass of fresh orange-juice at his side , wiped his forehead and went on typing , it has to be said that I have occasionally had the illusion that I knew what step to take first and even , occasionally , what step to take second , I will not talk about a third .
5 Though it has to be said , he wrote , and Goldberg , his eye racing down the page covered in his friend 's tiny handwriting , paused to sip from the glass of fresh orange-juice at his side , wiped his forehead and went on typing , it has to be said that I have occasionally had the illusion that I knew what step to take first and even , occasionally , what step to take second , I will not talk about a third .
6 But it has to be said ( it has to be said ! ) wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , typing , smiled to himself , it has to be said , wrote Harsnet , that if every project is likely , if not certain , to result in the addition of a little more shit to the shit that already exists , there is also the possibility , faint it is true but real , of the unexpected , and this is what delay makes possible and what the onward rush of time , the ever-increasing acceleration of time , perpetually denies , and in addition to the possibility of the unexpected appearing in the coils of delay , in addition to that , it has to be said , he wrote , that whatever the project , however trivial , however exalted , it will always say more than its maker knows , and , if genuine ( I will return to genuine ) , something will emerge which is distinct from whatever came before , from whatever elements went to make up the whole , a tone , a voice , which is not the tone or the voice of the maker but something else , something which , in my more optimistic moments , or perhaps my less clear-sighted moments , seems to be distinct from the shit though inseparable from it , a tone , a style , which links it to its maker 's other genuine ( I will return to genuine ) productions .
7 But it has to be said ( it has to be said ! ) wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , typing , smiled to himself , it has to be said , wrote Harsnet , that if every project is likely , if not certain , to result in the addition of a little more shit to the shit that already exists , there is also the possibility , faint it is true but real , of the unexpected , and this is what delay makes possible and what the onward rush of time , the ever-increasing acceleration of time , perpetually denies , and in addition to the possibility of the unexpected appearing in the coils of delay , in addition to that , it has to be said , he wrote , that whatever the project , however trivial , however exalted , it will always say more than its maker knows , and , if genuine ( I will return to genuine ) , something will emerge which is distinct from whatever came before , from whatever elements went to make up the whole , a tone , a voice , which is not the tone or the voice of the maker but something else , something which , in my more optimistic moments , or perhaps my less clear-sighted moments , seems to be distinct from the shit though inseparable from it , a tone , a style , which links it to its maker 's other genuine ( I will return to genuine ) productions .
8 But it has to be said ( it has to be said ! ) wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , typing , smiled to himself , it has to be said , wrote Harsnet , that if every project is likely , if not certain , to result in the addition of a little more shit to the shit that already exists , there is also the possibility , faint it is true but real , of the unexpected , and this is what delay makes possible and what the onward rush of time , the ever-increasing acceleration of time , perpetually denies , and in addition to the possibility of the unexpected appearing in the coils of delay , in addition to that , it has to be said , he wrote , that whatever the project , however trivial , however exalted , it will always say more than its maker knows , and , if genuine ( I will return to genuine ) , something will emerge which is distinct from whatever came before , from whatever elements went to make up the whole , a tone , a voice , which is not the tone or the voice of the maker but something else , something which , in my more optimistic moments , or perhaps my less clear-sighted moments , seems to be distinct from the shit though inseparable from it , a tone , a style , which links it to its maker 's other genuine ( I will return to genuine ) productions .
9 But it has to be said ( it has to be said ! ) wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , typing , smiled to himself , it has to be said , wrote Harsnet , that if every project is likely , if not certain , to result in the addition of a little more shit to the shit that already exists , there is also the possibility , faint it is true but real , of the unexpected , and this is what delay makes possible and what the onward rush of time , the ever-increasing acceleration of time , perpetually denies , and in addition to the possibility of the unexpected appearing in the coils of delay , in addition to that , it has to be said , he wrote , that whatever the project , however trivial , however exalted , it will always say more than its maker knows , and , if genuine ( I will return to genuine ) , something will emerge which is distinct from whatever came before , from whatever elements went to make up the whole , a tone , a voice , which is not the tone or the voice of the maker but something else , something which , in my more optimistic moments , or perhaps my less clear-sighted moments , seems to be distinct from the shit though inseparable from it , a tone , a style , which links it to its maker 's other genuine ( I will return to genuine ) productions .
10 It has to be there in the work .
11 Just the way it has to be .
12 It has to be won , reproduced and sustained ’ ( taken from Hebdidge 1979 : 16 ) .
13 Whilst owing his debt to Lorca , it has to be said that this volume is markedly conservative .
14 Mythological or not , it has to be emphasised that he was speaking here of a group of poets — Ellenborgen , Hine , Mandel , Purdy , Macpherson , Layton and Cohen — not just Leonard himself .
15 It has to be said that the plays are somewhat thin in material , and the characterisation weak , but they were both offended by the offhand refusal and the Corporation 's unwillingness to offer even the slightest guidance for the betterment of the projects .
16 One thought succeeds only because of the relations that it has to innumerable other potential thoughts .
17 But it has to be reiterated that the CTP does not explain these observations : it does not explain how the impinging events give rise to awareness of those events .
18 To conclude , it has to be said that balance is the most important factor in chest development .
19 He will not however go down in financial history as a great achiever , and it has to be said ( as recorded later in these pages ) that even under his leadership labour relations were far from perfect .
20 Today 's equipment — trains and track — is very expensive to provide and maintain ; to cover its basic costs it has to be in service providing revenue for up to say sixteen hours per day .
21 While it has to be obvious that current success has been built on foundations that were perhaps sounder than people generally thought ten years ago , the combination of a livelier economy and greater commercial drive ( leading above all to more commonsense , usually more local management ) has produced results far above the most rosy forecasts .
22 Impetus is again needed , particularly in a story ballet , when it has to be given to emphasise the significance of a step .
23 It has to be said that there are no easy routes here ; even the 5cs would probably be a 6a anywhere else .
24 Very briefly , it has to be said : next time clip both abseil ropes , George …
25 But this ringing declaration is no sooner issued than it has to be qualified virtually out of existence .
26 It has to be pointed out , to those who are sure that Eliot is a great poet , what vast tracts of human experience are never touched on in his poetry .
27 To perform well it has to be tightly targeted to cope with quite a narrow band of frequencies .
28 But it has to be applied properly or it will not improve the quality of education .
29 Where planning is not purely negative ( which it has to be sometimes ) , it should set out to enable people to live decent lives .
30 It has to be a shared responsibility .
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