Example sentences of "it had [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 There 's somethin' offensive aboot seein' it destroyed as if it had nae right tae exist .
2 For years it had not been worked .
3 Enterprise 's managing director Ted Tuppen defended the supply deal , saying that it had not been a condition of the sale that Enterprise take its beers from Bass .
4 The complex of disparate elements comprising academic English was always unstable , though they might have stayed together longer if it had not been for the demands of the academic environment .
5 It had not occurred to us that this ranging survey of the idioms of English and incidentally French verse had been no more than a ‘ prologue ’ — and to what , for heaven 's sake ?
6 The general told a news conference that it had not been copied from the Americans , but because it was an ‘ easier , natural movement ’ .
7 But the next day Mr Clarke insisted that nothing had in fact changed from the NHS White Paper because it had not talked of cash limits , only of firm budgets .
8 Willis said it had not ‘ adjusted ’ its stake and had ‘ talked to no one about it ’ .
9 The abolition of Pomgol was greeted with so many protests from the affected areas of Russia that Kalinin had to issue two statements in which he tried to show the stricken population that it had not been abandoned by the government .
10 The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament found in Cruise and Trident a stimulus it had not had since the early 1960s .
11 Planning had failed ; perhaps , compared with the French Monnet Plan or the ‘ reform bureaucracy ’ of Scandinavia , it had not even been tried .
12 He built out of that illusion a political cause which stirred the British electorate as it had not been stirred for decades and which has left its imprint on the Conservative Party and on British trade policy down to the present .
13 It had not , as it turned out , been Jim that had made the happiness for her , but the house itself .
14 It had not been fully dark when she had been flying .
15 It had not rained for a week and the white dust of the road started to dull the shine of all the shoes .
16 In 1959 Rank claimed that ‘ Britain would now have a healthy industry and a very successful market ’ if it had not been for the insensitivity of the Department of Trade .
17 With further lack of efficiency , he was fond of recalling , it had not exploded until the party 's luggage had reached the hotel , where it ‘ made as fearful mess and damaged the odd Turk ’ .
18 They should remember that it would all have ended seven matches earlier if it had not been for an 88th-minute equaliser against Bashley on September 16 .
19 Even his magnum opus , Perestroika , written in the summer of 1987 , contained the amazing notion in its first edition that ‘ if it had not been for collectivisation , we could have died from hunger in the war ’ .
20 In January 1987 , yet another judge stated that the March ruling was , in fact , in breach of statute but as it had not been appealed against it had to stand .
21 It had not been able to clarify its position on vital issues such as Punjab violence and communalism .
22 He had glanced in the washroom mirror and it had not been a reassuring sight .
23 It had not been a response to an immediate military threat , but rather to something fundamentalist and almost intuitive — a feeling that Britain must possess so climacteric a weapon in order to deter an atomically armed enemy , a feeling that Britain as a great power must acquire all major new weapons , a feeling that atomic weapons were a manifestation of the scientific and technological superiority on which Britain 's strength , so deficient in sheer numbers of men , must depend .
24 If it had not been for the extraordinary resilience of Hitler 's Wehrmacht and the fortitude of the German people , it would have done so .
25 It had not been taken as a result of the breakdown in 1946 of Anglo-American atomic cooperation .
26 One recent EC rule on air pollution would have cost Spain Ptas300 billion ( $2.8 billion ) to enforce , according to Spanish officials — if it had not used its veto to win a let-out for its factories to continue burning dirty brown coal .
27 It had not .
28 Perhaps if it had not been for the Shakoor Rana affair the TCCB might have handled this quietly and sensibly by issuing a non-committal statement and letting the fuss die down .
29 It had not been hard to predict that the Caribbean style of attacking play would be greatly suited to one-day cricket .
30 The scenery was beautiful , but it had not entered into the soul of the people .
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