Example sentences of "it but the " in BNC.

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1 Of course the young girls , they sometimes started off very enthusiastic and perhaps did do quite a lot without realising the implications and effect of it but the older women often had trouble keeping up .
2 Not only could I not do it but the effort was so excruciating that I opened my mouth to scream and could n't breathe enough for that either .
3 A piece of rope was tied to it but the knot was difficult to undo and , after fiddling with it for what felt like hours , he still could n't pry it loose .
4 Not only does one wonder what embarrassment might have occurred to warrant it but the propriety in not claiming the Ladies ' door and leading to a lavatory in the way the men 's clearly does , is a reminder of the delicacy of those times .
5 There is no real resistance to it but the management effort of getting to grips with its content and the various implications may be unpalatable .
6 In later years , for example , attempts were made in 1930 , 1932 , 1936 , 1938 , 1944 , 1948 , 1952 , 1962 and since then , to establish it but the frequency with which resolutions were passed on the subject reveals the intractable nature of the problem . )
7 it But the bastard never came So I 'm
8 It pains me to say it but the difference in attitude between guitar shops and their staff here and in the USA is like night and day .
9 I was astonished — no one in my family had ever suffered from it but the doctor explained that it had happened entirely because of the shock of the mugging .
10 Melissa James , 27 , a TV company executive from north London , said : ‘ There are excellent performances in it but the dialogue is wordy and peculiar .
11 Mr Hawkey added : ‘ The critics may not have liked it but the kids did . ’
12 The Fangsword is specific to Eltharion and only he may carry it but the Talisman of Hoeth can be bought for other High Elf characters by paying the appropriate points cost .
13 Now we have lost one and want to replace it but the nursery do not grow it any more , and we can not find one that does . ’
14 I have n't looked at it but the hype on the author will continue through to the paperback .
15 She thinks she has learned to control it but the label sticks : ‘ Policemen still stop me in the street and say : ‘ Hello Janet , who have you hit today ? ’ ’ .
16 Every mishap , every fatality is held up as evidence in an attempt to prove the case that light aviation is hazardous not only to those who commit it but the public at large too .
17 No , the the well some of them are , those particular ones some of them are joined but they are to all intents and purposes separate in that they can be er , rented out separately they 're not tied to the house erm in that they are they go with it but the housing department have the opportunity to rent them to whoever applies for them .
18 Me and you ca n't smell it but the dog
19 I do n't know how they 've done it but the typography on the signs makes me want to pronounce the word Edin-burg , and I live in the place , for God 's sake .
20 I went to see it but the lady running it said they could n't take me .
21 I know I keep harking on it but the CON
22 What he said was informative if a touch inconsequential ; you did n't remember too much of it but the effect was cumulative .
23 We ran across the road to see it but the area remained a cow-free zone .
24 The eyes may have it but the mouth can flaunt it .
25 Mrs Rumney held the door wide as I finally managed to steer him towards it but the big dog was n't finished yet .
26 So but he thinks I 've got away with it but the pus in my mouth right now
27 No , our men would n't cross over with it but the Glen Shee folk would be there to receive it
28 Intangible movable property includes a charge on the book debts of the company or those assigned to it but the Act contains no definition of what constitutes a book debt .
29 Two of them could handle it but the other one …
30 She had no desire to hear it but the voice was insistent .
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