Example sentences of "it was their " in BNC.

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91 WHEN JOY Division recorded ‘ Closer ’ , they were n't to know it was their last album .
92 It was their first major flight away from the barn , and of course we did n't know then it was to be their last .
93 Traditionally , individuals have been the central feature of attempts to understand corporate crime , but unfortunately for criminology , it was their pathological characteristics which were advanced as the cause of their deviations .
94 Lutyens 's family were brought up to believe that it was their father who invented Nanna , and that it was from their own night nursery window in Bloomsbury Square that Wendy and the boys flew with Peter Pan to the Neverland .
95 It was their right .
96 It was their turn to do the talking ; he would manage better without Bacci now .
97 Apart from that , there 's a certain justification for the MC4 clasping the live album nettle — given that it was their constant , sometimes belligerent belief in gigging that helped them establish themselves in the first place .
98 On March 7th , against Wales at Twickenham , we all witnessed at least two acts of complete thuggery when not only were English players stamped on but it was their heads which came in for rough treatment .
99 The 34027 Locomotive Group still retain the prestigious opportunity of being able to say that it was their locomotive which took the first train hauled by a steam locomotive into Waterloo after some 25 years .
100 It was their fence , and it was coming down , and she had pointed that out to Frederick , and she had known he would n't do anything about it , any more than he would buy himself new underpants .
101 It was their way , the men from the Department of Public Security , to take one man , and then trawl through his family for any small hint of the cancer of dissent .
102 Although they were the servants of governments whose interests it was their duty to uphold unreservedly , it was easier in such a setting than it is today to recognize certain common interests .
103 The pupils of this generation of sociologists are people like Howard Becker and Erving Goffman , and it was their work in the 1960s that gave a new lease of life to ethnographic research after it had fallen into some disuse , in British sociology at least , in the 1950s .
104 The Committee felt that it was their duty to state that in their opinion , before the whole building was completely furnished and every necessary article provided , the total deficiency would not amount to less than £1,000 ‘ Many opulent individuals of the County have hitherto withheld their contributions ; but application by letter has been made to them all ; and no doubt can be entertained by your Committee of their ultimate assistance and support .
105 Heather Wing , chairwoman of the National Association of Inspectors and Registration Officers , said it was their duty to comment on corporal punishment which affected the welfare of children .
106 What if it was their duty to hope ?
107 Beyond question , Moses Buchanan and his son bargained for their votes on the actual day of election , and indeed as Sir James acknowledges , it was their votes which carried his election .
108 Cooperation with the professionals required acceptance of the framework within which John 's needs had been professionally cast : that it was their deficits as parents which had created John 's needs .
109 The values and beliefs of the reformers were enshrined in the law ; ‘ it was their law that the drinkers had to avoid . ’
110 For Lindsay Weir , who had been given the nickname of ‘ Dad ’ since his Mt Albert Grammar schooldays , and for Jack Kerr it was their first trip away with the New Zealand team .
111 But there was nothing conservative about the way in which Louis and his successor exploited the bishop of Clermont 's complaints against the count of the Auvergne to secure a foothold in the county ; it was their preparatory work that made possible Philip Augustus ' annexation of the Auvergne to the royal demesne .
112 The Times recorded that this was their sixth partnership of over 150 ; the Telegraph that it was their seventh century stand ; while the Guardian made it the eighth .
113 If people lived mean , dirty , anti-social lives it was their mean environments , made by dirty , anti-social government policies , that made them so .
114 For those who work outside the home , out of many choices , it was their ‘ relationship with colleagues ’ that gives them the most satisfaction ( 80% ) , with flexibility of working hours ( 68% ) and pay ( 60% ) trailing behind .
115 It was their intention to concentrate on foreign students learning the English language for professional examinations .
116 The most important interview was with the 2ème Bureau , the Military branch of French Intelligence ; it was their opinion which was ultimately decisive .
117 They were panicking as it was their lack of observation which had led to the two getting away unseen .
118 Franks contended it was undesirable in principle that the appointment of so many chairmen and members of individual tribunals should rest with the departmental Ministers concerned , when it was their own departments which frequently would be a party to proceedings before a tribunal .
119 The Cabinet first considered whether it was their duty to advise Parliament that the abolition of the death penalty would involve serious risks to law and order .
120 This , of course , could be said of any of Edward 's leading associates , since it was their relationship to the crown which allowed them to draw lesser royal servants into their service .
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