Example sentences of "it look like " in BNC.

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1 At the moment it looks like my usual stint of ironing on Thursday and shopping on Friday are the main fixtures , but anything can happen before then .
2 It looks like an enlargement of the postcard which , in an age of mechanical reproduction , it was to become , commemorating the tourist attraction which it was also to become .
3 It looks like mine , he said , examining it , but there 's no label on it .
4 It looks like magnesium deficiency , which is very common on sandy and light soils , where the nutrient is quickly leached away .
5 Now it looks like a scene set from Beau Geste , or one of those biblical epics .
6 It looks like a short-term reaction to a short-term situation , partially sparked off by the ridiculous reaction to the August trade figures , ’ Sir Trevor added .
7 It looks like a scene set from Beau Geste or one of those biblical epics .
8 And just because it looks like a wild boar with the striped marking or ‘ agouti ’ ( long snout , straight tail and small pointy ears ) , can it be accepted as such without a genetic test ?
9 Despite agreement among party leaders that the elections should be held in ‘ a mild climate , ’ it looks like being a divisive contest .
10 The water level drops and then , woosh , up it all comes , first rising like a column — at this stage it looks like a vaguely blue shaggy ink cap toadstool — then blasting itself apart in a flourish of steam .
11 From afar it looks like the classical volcanic cone and it is with a mounting sense of excitement that I climb the last section of loose lava gravel and sharp , welded lava rock .
12 Another , senior designer from a German competitor ( not BMW ) stated : ‘ I like the crinkled leather on the doors ’ , but could find nothing about the exterior to praise : ‘ It 's design stagnation ; from some angles it looks like a Lincoln . ’
13 I 'd even say it looks like a Mazda , notwithstanding Rover 214 wheel covers .
14 Plainly , there was no such feature in the building prior to its conversion , but its insertion has been undertaken so carefully and with such sensitivity towards the simple , almost primitive shapes and textures of the original interior that it looks like a perfectly natural element .
15 From a distance it looks like Detroit .
16 From a distance it looks like Detroit .
17 Consider for example the proposition that the average human possesses one breast and one testicle , a grievous misapplication of statistics no doubt , but less of an affront to logic than the argument of the weather forecaster , seized on by John Allen Paulos : with a 50 per cent chance of rain on Saturday and a 50 per cent chance on Sunday , he declared , ‘ it looks like a 100 per cent chance of rain this weekend ’ .
18 I approached it as a pilgrim , though today of course it looks like any other golf club ; the members are indigenous and they are Japanese .
19 ‘ Why should terrorists care what it looks like — as long as they get their money , or whatever they 're after ? ’
20 It looks like the beaded beauty Tumbleweed and I met at Appleby .
21 It looks like Julius Caesar . ’
22 It looks like Russell Banks has finally made it .
23 It looks like a small cottage whose thatch has forgotten to stop , running down all four walls to ground level .
24 Pick , squeeze seeds and pulp into a container and leave , adding water if it looks like drying out .
25 It looks like it , does n't it ? ’
26 At times , it looks like little more than nepotism : The Prince of Wales ' last private secretary , Edward Adeane had been a page-of-honour to the Queen in his teens ; his father , Lord Adeane , had been the Queen 's private secretary for nearly twenty years , and his great-grandfather , Lord Stamfordham had been private secretary to George V. George VI 's private secretary , Sir Alan Lascelles , was a cousin of the sixth Lord Harewood , husband of Princess Mary .
27 At first it looks like name-dropping until one finds the same sort of thing in Athenaeus or Aelian .
28 The other horse may even be a young stallion , and be large and overplayful , yet the foal finds it irresistible because it looks like mother !
29 It looks like an accident , ’ he said with a certain delicacy , ‘ but he was experienced with that knife , was young Mr Vickers , and after Angela Brickell , after Mr Goodhaven , after your little bit of trouble …
30 As I said earlier , at first sight it looks like a grey mush .
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