Example sentences of "it come into " in BNC.

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1 The actual date for it to come into force has yet to be announced by the Secretary of State for the Environment .
2 When you remove food from the freezer , do n't leave it in a warm atmosphere or allow it to come into contact with unclean hands , surfaces or equipment before returning it to the freezer — you will be at risk of freezing in any contamination .
3 Gift Aid is a scheme which gives tax relief for ‘ one-off ’ contributions to charity and it came into force on 1st October 1990 .
4 The brewery was founded in 1853 , started to make wheat beers in the 1890s , and has produced nothing else since it came into its present ownership , the Brombach family , in 1935 .
5 Although ‘ English ’ does have connections with the genuine disciplines of history and philosophy it came into being for cultural rather than disciplinary reasons .
6 It came into Wexford 's mind that money metaphors often have to do with water , gushing , springing , and that business men talk of liquidity and cash flow .
7 It came into his head , clear and beautiful and complete .
8 It came into her mind that she should just run away , off along the waterline like the dog , and leave this nightmare situation far behind her … .
9 In 1540 the house passed to Anne of Cleves as part of her settlement , after which it came into the hands of the Chauncy family .
10 There was little interest and once again it came into the hands of James Joiner .
11 In its later years it came into the hands of the Wilkins family .
12 Ask Jacob Manor about the land that belonged to Mrs Zamzam 's husband in the village of Um Al-Farajh and he could immediately explain how it came into the hands of the development authority and was then leased to the village of Ben Ami .
13 Father was given the rod by friends at West Linton , near Edinburgh , and it must have been about fifty years old at least , when it came into my possession .
14 It came into force for those states which had ratified it in 1953 .
15 The Conservative Party did not take up any definite stand on comprehensive schools when it came into office in 1979 .
16 In fact it came into effect only in 1988 .
17 However , during the eighteenth century it came into competition with the Longhorns and Shorthorns and by 1790 very few pure Gloucester herds remained .
18 It came into being following some wider discussions held in 1982 between Age Concern England and the Department of Psychiatry at Guy 's Hospital about the community services provided for dementia sufferers .
19 To begin with the system was used by chroniclers , then for specifying the dates on which fairs were held or rent payments due , and finally , in the thirteenth century , it came into use for dating letters and other documents .
20 The wire surfaces cooled the burning gas as it came into contact with them to a temperature below the ignition point of the gas outside the cage .
21 It came into force in March 1983 after two thirds of the signing countries had ratified it .
22 I suppose it came into my room for a few minutes to see a book I 'd been telling him about , then he left and I hit the sack .
23 Doors were fitted and it came into use on 7 September .
24 Briar Cottage looked of a sudden smaller , Joan thought as it came into sight .
25 How it came into the Musgrave family is as follows .
26 But the return to Devon of the engine after expiry of its ten-year boiler ticket is seen as a shot in the arm for the loco-starved South Devon Railway , reliant on externally hired motive power since it came into existence two years ago .
27 It came into being on the groundswell of the earlier federalist enthusiasm , while still being sufficiently limited and pragmatic to be deemed feasible by senior politicians who themselves were keenly interested in fostering moves towards greater and effective cooperation .
28 He gave her a child every year , but was never there when it came into the world .
29 It came into being to respond to two needs , a scientific need for machines more powerful than could be afforded by any single nation in a Europe devastated by the second world war , and the political need for institutions to unite that fragmented continent .
30 Anyway , whatever the ideas that inspired the advocates of the prison , it would obviously be very dangerous to assume that their ideas were automatically embodied in the actual operation of the prison system when it came into being .
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