Example sentences of "it come out " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There 's this fascinating gestation period between listening to something and waiting for it to come out in your playing .
2 Only when the dog has stopped barking should you allow it to come out to join you .
3 Or it may be there but the police and the stewards are n't allowing it to come out because they 're keeping a lid on it so efficiently these days .
4 He reckoned the machine had swallowed his card , cos , he said , he 'd got his money and then waited for it to come out but it had n't appeared .
5 He said we were holding on to the ball , but we wanted it to come out .
6 If you want it shiny if you want it like erm If you want it to come out like this .
7 I wanted it to come out
8 It comes out what you want it to come out has to come out .
9 I reviewed Take a girl like you when it came out , and took pains to convey how much I enjoyed and admired its incendiariness .
10 It 's just from the way it came out , I thought you meant you decided to jack it all in and hit the road .
11 By the time it came out , in any case , all their lives had been irrevocably altered by the progress of world events .
12 Clarissa would have liked to stand up for Charles , but it came out as nothing more positive than ‘ Oh ’ .
13 I yelled … it came out as a croak only but it was a yell in my mind …
14 It came out not much above a whisper , lost in the sound of their movements around me .
15 It came out like that , Mr Tranter , because anything else would have been a misrepresentation .
16 It came out of the blue , before he knew he was famous .
17 Many details , such as the reproduction of type-script and the printing of a page askew as if that was how it came out of the type-writer , suggest the fiction that the novel is a draft , a preliminary version , but of course the pages are printed and therefore fixed .
18 He could smile to order or smile for real , with real pleasure , and it came out just the same , it came out so beautiful that you were sure not to notice the difference .
19 He could smile to order or smile for real , with real pleasure , and it came out just the same , it came out so beautiful that you were sure not to notice the difference .
20 Hokus Pokus fried brains when it came out — the level of skating was incredible for the time .
21 It was rather disappointing to grow up and find out that the sun did n't give a monkey 's testicle whether it came out or not , but was in fact a non-sentient mass of gases radiating heat and light to earth , except in Scotland .
22 It came out as positively offensive disbelief .
23 You said it came out really fast .
24 I made a non-committal cluck at the back of my throat , but it came out higher than I had intended .
25 It came out in a hoarse whisper , ‘ It 's morning , nearly . ’
26 It came out squashed .
27 She laughed shortly but it came out as a half-sob .
28 The second funniest election story , also courtesy of the Telegraph 's excellent City Diary , is that Grand Metropolitan chairman Sir Allen Sheppard has cancelled his headquarters ' subscriptions to the Financial Times because it came out for Labour .
29 I turned to my nearest fellow browser , intending to ask her politely but firmly to lead me to the nearest padded cell , but it came out wrong .
30 ‘ So it came out of the meteorite — years ago , ’ wondered Jack .
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