Example sentences of "it would [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And I , I , I mean I 've r now that we , Walsall 's got their own department I wish I 'd of kept on to it , it 'd of been interesting .
2 Bet if I took his jacket off and put it in that washer it 'd of fallen to bits cos it was that mucky .
3 The leader takes account of these responses in choosing its output and is able to do better than it would under Cournot reactions there is a ‘ first mover ’ or precommitment advantage .
4 Such a measure would be an insult to our Faith ; it would without question prove to be gravely damaging to morality , private and public ; it would be , and would remain , a curse upon our country .
5 The terminals worked on a line by line basis , with the screen information scrolling upwards just as it would on a teleprinter roll .
6 Mercury 's distance from the Sun , varying from between 29 and 43 million miles , would make the Sun seem three times bigger in the Mercurian sky than it would on Earth .
7 And yes , that fireplace gave me as much pleasure always as I had imagined it would on first sight .
8 It looks a lot better on me than it would on you .
9 Water is eight hundred times as dense as air , and the slightest bump or protuberance on the body can cause drag , more even than it would on a bird or an aeroplane .
10 They observe , however , that it would on any view be a grave impediment to the freedom of the press if those who print , or a fortiori those who distribute , matter reflecting critically on the conduct of public authorities could only do so with impunity if they could first verify the accuracy of all statements of fact on which the criticism was based .
11 You do n't need special equipment to hear the effect , so it should provide the same sensaround sound on your crappy hi fi as it would on an expensive job .
12 That means that the irrelevant suggestions being made by the European Commission for mandatory information for and consultation with employees would bear much more heavily on British business than it would on our major competitors .
13 You do n't need special equipment to hear the effect , so it should provide the same sensaround sound on your crappy hi fi as it would on an expensive job .
14 He said the council tax bill for expensive properties would be a much smaller percentage of the house value than it would on cheaper housing where the majority of people live .
15 As it would on the telephone , yes .
16 Er , yes I am a person who uses public transport and I believe in it very much , but I must say that erm its very , very inconvenient , I have to rely on three different forms of public transport to get to my work and it takes twice as long as it would as if I , if I could go by car and so I can see the , the attraction of , of going by car and there are many improvements that could be made where I live for instance in , in Glasgow so that you would only have one change and not constantly shuttling to and fro between stations and buses and so forth .
17 erm what I was putting to you was , do you , do you say that even if it would as a matter of pure English law , it is overridden by community law erm , er , er at least er , at least for the time being
18 Their football was a credit to Hand , and Cecere ensured that it would at least be rewarded by an extra 30 minutes when he collected Maskell 's pass and tucked the ball behind Steve Sutton .
19 Getting moving here wo n't mitigate the despair ; but it would at least show some capacity to think beyond the sourly inescapable .
20 Getting moving here wo n't mitigate the despair ; but it would at least show some capacity to think beyond the sourly inescapable .
21 But it would at least ensure that Britain had a more broadly-educated elite — and more broadly-educated political leaders .
22 But it would at least offer a chance of a positive political development .
23 It is also fair to suggest that the Labour Party benefited from the rising unemployment of the 1920s for it claimed , successfully in the 1920s , that although it could not solve unemployment , which was a product of a capitalist society , it would at least ensure that the unemployed were guaranteed a level of benefits which would ensure healthy life .
24 Ferdinand , as he was originally named , was of the house of Saxe-Coburg and Napoleon III may well have felt that this candidacy would be pleasing to England and that it would at a personal level strengthen his ties with the English Royal House .
25 And it might seem that it would at least be a start to discover whether they are in fact common .
26 I knew that it would at the very least be fun to fail again , however effortlessly , and we agreed to meet at a pub in Barnes on the following evening .
27 If the Comintern , too , decided that the anti-fascist coalition would be weakened in Vietnam by national independence , itself something of a bourgeois concept , and if the Indochina Communist Party followed suit , no matter how reluctantly , it would at a stroke lose a very significant part of its political appeal .
28 It would be perfect for lunch in Paris and , although it was not really suitable for travelling , it would at least ensure that she looked as she ought for her reunion with Anthony .
29 He observed initially that there were people ‘ who believe that a neutral foreign policy would guarantee the security of the Asian peoples , and that it would at first stabilise the situation and then ensure peace and security on the Asian continent ’ .
30 Inside , it would at least be dry .
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