Example sentences of "it [to-vb] with " in BNC.

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1 Not only has it got the C it 's got the C O three , take the O out of it to go with the H
2 No like that 's not it to go with their mates .
3 The spadefoot has , in fact , adopted a flexible strategy that allows it to cope with all eventualities .
4 Hence it was decided to select an available parser and modify it to cope with the recognition task .
5 Such a perspective does not require a universal pragmatics for it to proceed with an analysis of the form of discourse as ideology .
6 ‘ In our view , a proper analysis of the risks attached to the project would have allowed it to proceed with a greater appreciation of likely achievement . ’
7 Gabriel took his hands off the hilt of the sword , expecting it to fall with a clatter .
8 This , Corris calls the ‘ North Sea Gas Option ’ after the massive conversion exercise in the 1970s when UK Gas Board had to replace or convert every domestic gas cooker to get it to work with the new fuel .
9 Matinee is a screen saver with a difference , but be warned — I had problems getting it to work with the VGA card in some machines .
10 Lord Haldane L. C. upheld the general principles in the Rice case but refused access to the housing inspector 's report or to the Board itself : when a matter is entrusted to a department of state or similar body , Parliament should be taken , subject to contrary intent , to have meant that it could follow its own procedure which would enable it to work with efficiency .
11 As it stands the districts seem to be wanting their cake and eat it in that they would like er a policy restricting development in the open countryside but they do n't want it to come with baggage that is specific which says what the exceptions should be .
12 Nor is it to sympathise with his asthmatic , Baptist bullied childhood , which forms the staple of so many of his surreal sing-song comic monologues of victimisation , paranoia and infantile revenge .
13 Under Ordinance 1990/1 : Student Discipline , breaches of discipline by a student include ‘ infringing arrangements made by the University in order to permit it to comply with the provisions of the Data Protection Act ’ .
14 I hereby certify that I have examined and tested the following measure and found it to comply with the provisions of Schedule 4 Part II , Paragraph 4 of the above-mentioned Regulations , viz : —
15 I hereby certify that I have examined and tested the following measure and found it to comply with the provisions of Schedule 4 Part II Paragraph 4 of the above-mentioned Regulations viz :
16 This will help it to identify with you , and soon instinctively it will come to you when you call its name .
17 The interplanetary magnetic field ( IMF ) is shown pointing southward , allowing it to reconnect with the northward-pointing ‘ closed ’ geomagnetic field lines(c) at a neutral line ( X ) in the subsolar magnetopause .
18 Call the dog to you , and encourage it to walk with you for a distance before repeating the process .
19 ( Having the Macintosh on site also helped to establish a good rapport with the EPH staff , who occasionally commandeered it to help with administrative work , rewarding the project team with small tokens of appreciation , such as cups of tea and bacon sandwiches ! )
20 And I , and not only that , I mean , if they 're selling it to help with the poll tax , I mean all that money 's
21 At first the dog may only sniff at them but you should soon be able to encourage it to play with them .
22 A range of copper alloys has been found there and evidence suggests that lead was extracted from the copper by causing it to fuse with the silica and alumina in the clay crucible to form a lead-glass .
23 The prototype fast reactor at Dounreay would be funded until 1994 and its reprocessing plant for a further three years to allow it to deal with spent fuel .
24 Unquestionably she has brought the might of the sexist porn industry to its knees and forced it to deal with a self-supporting woman with ideals and a philosophy .
25 Thus the old grammar could become obsolete and it might no longer be possible to extend it to deal with relatively simple sentences of the language resulting from the ‘ actualisation of the re-analysis ’ .
26 The last five years have seen heavy investment in a fully integrated computer system that allows it to deal with a customer 's total needs in one phone call — ordering , cancelling and general enquiries .
27 In addition to the ordinary budget , Finance Minister Basil Jardana presented an emergency budget of JD120,000,000 aimed at increasing the capacity of the national economy to enable it to deal with effects of the Gulf crisis .
28 Implicit , if not admitted , is the Scottish Office fear that its staff will be up against it to deal with every form in time .
29 Was it to do with zoetropes or physical fitness ?
30 Nor is it to do with rarified ascetical exercises , a ‘ feet off the ground ’ spirituality .
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