Example sentences of "it [coord] his " in BNC.

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1 JimBardsley looked unhappy about it and his voice became aggressive .
2 When he saw the saxaphone he told his father about it and his father said that if he could save half the money , he would make up the other half . ’
3 It was the first time Dana had stayed in an English house , and I think he was delighted with the difference between it and his home in the United States .
4 ‘ If I find favour in the eyes of the Lord , he will bring me back and let me see both it and his habitation ; but if he says , ‘ I have no pleasure in you , ’ behold , here I am , let him do to me what seems good to him' ( 2 Sam .
5 Some learned judge would have been appointed to head it and his only access to the facts would be to ask the Cabinet Secretary , the Admiralty , the Director General of MI5 and MI6 what they knew .
6 That 's the way he wanted it and his own bosses at American International Pictures made further changes through the difficulties they anticipated in getting the film distributed to the cinemas ; it was quite probable that it would arouse backlash over its drug content , although , as John Baxter wrote in his review of Sixties films , it was one of those films that exposed with skill the psychological moral pressures vexing society .
7 My father had it and his father and his father .
8 Charles looked at Reginald : ‘ Nearly so , ’ he said ; ‘ he smelt strongly of it and his tongue was very loose , trying to impress . ’
9 Her eyes darkened as she relived it and his sharp investigator 's eye noticed it .
10 Unfortunately he was standing right beside the door with the new aerial mounted on it and his voice was within a gnat 's whisker of being raised a few octaves .
11 He could n't do the job , he knew it and his father-in-law knew it , but it was all part of the grand master plan : How To Keep Your Daughter At Home .
12 He handed it and his sunhat back to the fuming bowler , who felt the gesture was not made with due courtesy .
13 His flesh was white velvet with a subdued sheen on it and his nipples were bright pink , pink as the parakeet , but he filled the room with his smell of sweat and sleep and she wished he did not breathe through his mouth .
14 His coat and waistcoat swiftly followed it and his fingers ripped away the neckcloth about his throat , heedless of the ruin they effected .
15 The Prophet 's gaze switched to it and his eyes widened as he saw what it was by the light of the moon .
16 He professed not to be worried about it and his colleagues agreed .
17 Yussuf could n't afford it and his first wife would n't allow it .
18 So , he was talking about Ireland , really raving about it and his name 's Kennedy and he 's from Liverpool and he likes to think he 's got Irish blood in him , he 's been there twice this year and
19 Everybody that comes in — you can imagine the reaction — and you ask him not to do it and his language is appalling , and he goes on doing it .
20 It all seemed important at the time , but notwithstanding the subterranean implications , Five Easy Pieces established Nicholson beyond doubt as the most effective actor of his kind around , and he was immediately rewarded with a second nomination for an Oscar ; he did not win it but his very inclusion meant two in a row for a relative unknown , a situation unheard of in recent Hollywood history .
21 He loves it but his shore leave is brief and rare .
22 Coleman has always insisted that it was not he who said it but his colleague and friend , the late Ron Pickering .
23 Joe did n't know it but his days were numbered .
24 Frere was unaware of it but his sister-in-law had spared herself the burden of a second letter .
25 well I 'm trying to think what he was called in it but his father his own father is in fact Doug Willis in the series who 's the father of the that girl Cody
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