Example sentences of "it [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The substitution is thus not only inherently costly , but it evokes increased demand or , if you like , creates increased need .
2 Only then can it affect political institutions .
3 ‘ If it 's affecting swans , could it affect other wildlife species and even human beings ? ’
4 When you 're on it make sure you believe what you 're saying !
5 With the arrival of scientific methods in the twentieth century , we have been able to determine the essential nature of a healthy diet , and with it make dietary changes based on knowledge .
6 A second visionary experience was required to create the world of the archetypal stage , the skene , and with it make true drama possible .
7 Its moral claims were , in the most literal sense of the word , conservative , in that it enjoined ancient truths and established values , and Samuel Johnson as well as William Blake was a hero .
8 With a membership of 100,000 in 1914 its numbers had doubled by 1924 and again by 1931 ; it waged vigorous self-interested campaigns on such matters as the petrol tax , the Road Fund , speed limits and compulsory insurance .
9 The first instance ( labour ) court fully upheld the claim on the basis of the general provisions of the Civil Code relating to the conclusion of contracts in conjunction with Act 1414/1984 , i.e. it applied aforementioned well established case law relating to unlawful refusal to hire , mentioning also the von Colson judgment of the ECJ .
10 This too could not compel the defendant , condemned to restore , to do so , but it applied conspicuous Pressure : if he did so , well and good ; if not , the plaintiff was allowed to make his own valuation of the property , and it was this which would become the damages awarded by the judge .
11 So it plays safe .
12 It plays full-size discs and can therefore benefit from the international range of CD-I discs made available for full size , in situ CD-I players .
14 What ‘ Back In Denim ’ is really saying as it launches spiteful attacks on Duran Duran and mourns David Cassidy 's retirement , is that Pop Music Is Important , as much a part of our lives , our personalities as the polluted air we breathe and the clothes we choose to wear .
15 Not much cash in there , it encourages armed robbery .
16 It suits the right : it encourages individual responsibility .
17 The maul changes are comical — it encourages negative play . ’
18 Because it frees performance from time , assembling it bit by bit , it encourages demystified production : ‘ Tape runs forwards , backwards and at many speeds .
19 The assumption is offensive to teachers ; it encourages professional dependency ; it discourages professional autonomy and self-motivated development ; and it is in any case empirically unsustainable .
20 It encourages open communication , and learning about processes of living in mutually beneficial ways .
21 It encourages rapid draining and gives a clear , streak-free finish .
22 It encourages woman-centred psychologists to ignore the wider discursive structuring of methodology , and to assume that revaluing a traditionally female-identified method positively guarantees its feminism .
23 It is economical because it allows a high temperature to be maintained in just a small area , and useful as it encourages speedy germination of seeds and rapid rooting of cuttings .
24 Mr Hall is surprised that other entities have not used the direct method : he believes it supplies new , clearer information about a business .
25 It is important to remember the liturgical context of these meditations for it supplies other expressed structures of meaning only latent within them but crucial to their full impact .
26 It is one of the most ancient of dye plants , its use being recorded 2,500 years ago , and it is such a strong dye that it will produce a deep pink-brown without a mordant — with alum and tin it supplies red and red-brown .
27 Atomstyle has been supplying the various bits for building PCs to dealers for quite some time by now , and so the cases and motherboards it supplies fit together really well .
28 Thus , falling into the technocrats ' natural sin , it mistook administrative device for organic substance .
29 It associates black , predominantly Afro-Caribbean , women 's experiences with the structure of the British state ; analyses the history of their oppression by colonialism and slavery ; and grounds their resistant subjectivities in histories of female , family , Afro-Caribbean and African identity .
30 Why should it stay young while I grow old ?
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