Example sentences of "it [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Greenpeace has warned that it may demand a legal review .
2 although through speculating about the role of the unobservable ‘ anticipated reactions ’ of one actor to another or considering the values and interests which failed to emerge in the policy making process , it may entertain the possibility of hidden power processes its main weakness may be that it is a description rather than an analysis of power relationships .
3 It may lend a certain dignity to the whole transaction but is notoriously slow .
4 In this case it may lend to the discount houses ; then the Bank 's balance sheet will show an increase in advances ( an asset ) and in bankers ' deposits ( a liability ) .
5 Like a computer , it may lend credence to false data .
6 Like a computer , it may lend credence to false data .
7 Although no single investor is supposed to have more than a 15 per cent holding the government has indicated that it may waive this requirement .
8 It may snap off from the arm
9 Trampling over it may damage it so that it ca n't be used .
10 Impregnation under pressure has been advocated , but comparative tests have shown that it may damage pores in sandstones , particularly those lined with delicate clay minerals .
11 It may damage my buses and I would have no alternative but to withdraw the service . ’
12 In a particularly perverse mood it may assume the shape of a naked man flapping a white sheet , or a chanting girl , or a giant , singing white cat .
13 Where , however , ‘ control ’ is attenuated by a gap between those concerned with policy and the implementing agency , it may assume crucial significance .
14 The client will often be promising less than it hopes to be able to deliver : although it may exclude liability for defects in goods , the client will generally seek to deliver goods free from defects , in order to establish or maintain its commercial reputation and protect its trading relationships .
15 If , for example , the Gnat 's Water Brewery , which operates three inns in a small country village , wishes to close and sell off one of these inns so as to improve the profitability of its remaining inns , it may insert a restrictive covenant into the conditions of sale of the inn in question , whereby the purchaser of the inn covenants not to use the premises as licensed premises .
16 • The Phoenix city authority has announced it may relinquish financial involvement in the grand prix next year and seek an independent promoter .
17 Bogwood is semi-fossilised , and should not contain harmful substances , but it may stain the water dark brown .
18 If the hair should snap off from the tear , it may drift for many kilometres on the wind , falling slowly , and come to rest a long way down-wind from the vent .
19 It may arrange its pensions through an insurance company or a pensions firm .
20 It may train its advisers sufficiently to be able to give para-legal advice in those cases which do not require professional assistance ; it may refer the client to a solicitor ; it may arrange a rota scheme whereby a solicitor attends at the CAB office to see clients ; it may try to appoint its own solicitor .
21 This temporary retreat may bring the immediate refreshment of change or it may widen our horizons either by romantic hyperbole or by an unexpected psychological authenticity close to the reality of life as we know it .
22 If the Earth is indeed a living being , it was argued , then It may possess a subtle body corresponding to the human aura , with chakras and flows of energy as well .
23 We are urging that law is , in truth , not the will of the State , but that from which the will of the State derives whatever moral authority it may possess .
24 Where the rivers have flowed transverse to the structure rias formed in them will have a much more irregular plan : the main arm of the ria may not be straight and it may possess branches developed along weaker beds followed by the courses of previous subsequent streams .
25 This type of doubt is already aggravated by the contemporary crisis of identity , but it may grow even more serious wherever there is a hardening of society 's attitudes towards Christianity .
26 There is one potential hazard associated with dense ivy growth on a living tree — it may grow so rapidly and thickly that any fungal growth may be hidden .
27 It may grow into a noble sympathy , self-sacrifice … and joy …
28 As the calf grows older the bond with the mother weakens , although it may last 2 or 3 years .
29 With the nervous worry comes the loneliness : ‘ The house is quiet as the grave ’ , and the fear of the future : ‘ Though we have registered we are told at the American consulate it may last [ take ] years until we get the possibility of emigrating , the quota being overcharged . ’
30 In others it may last for months .
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