Example sentences of "it [be] about " in BNC.

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1 What had it been about ?
2 " But — wo n't it be about our Tristram , Harry ? "
3 What can it be about women 's bodies , apart from their being so incredibly interesting ?
4 I reckon it were about the time of the Great War .
5 And it were about that height .
6 It were about twoish .
7 It were about one pound thirty or summat about that width
8 It 's about a fellow called Ronnie , who is on the dole .
9 It 's about chance — today people drive for miles to eat at La Côte d'Or , but tomorrow it might all be finished . ’
10 Our film is set in Dublin , Ireland , but it 's about the hopes and dreams , music brings to young kids everywhere , from Fingas to Philadelphia and Memphis to Minsk ’ .
11 It 's about oases of control where there should be none .
12 It 's about individual people realising they can do something beyond what they may normally expect to achieve . ’
13 I interrupted him and said , ‘ It 's about mother is n't it ?
14 It 's about what really happened to our roof last night .
15 I think if one looks at life and says : ‘ If I was doing that job , what are the conditions I would like to work in ? ’ , and then put them into operation , people will probably think it 's about right .
16 It 's about the third or fourth ti me that they have seen it — the same is probably true for most of the videos on the camp .
17 ‘ Look , Helga , it 's about last night .
18 It 's about my husband .
19 It 's about a musician not a disarmament conference . ’
20 It 's about the accident .
21 It 's about tension and relaxation , the interaction between musicians . ’
22 If such music is totalitarian , that 's because it 's about total control and exploitation of your powers .
23 To cut a long legend short , it 's about the bloody rivalry between two branches of a Hindu royal family — the five Pandava brothers , who all marry the same princess , and the 100 Kaurava brothers .
24 The foreword says ‘ A sad story with a happy ending ’ , and it 's about a little baby who has no Mummy and so goes off to find one .
25 It 's about collison of cultures in Britain since the end of the war , and it looks at the way that some artists of non-British origin have come to terms with modern art — or , rather , have made a personal art by calling on ways of expression that might have been absolutely native to them in other countries than this .
26 It 's about how America is a land of excess .
27 ‘ No ’ , he said , ‘ it 's about a love story . ' ’
28 It 's about the future of our planet and that 's something worth fighting for … the real challenge for politicians is to convince people that being keen on the environment is not a cost-free option . ’
29 It 's about Liam .
30 It 's about the future of all mankind , ’ says Godley of the project .
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