Example sentences of "in [noun prp] have " in BNC.

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31 Yvette Andrews , Wood News Correspondent for Lincoln Turbine Service in Lincoln had been quietly sitting in the administration office when her boyfriend Paul waltzed in and , on bended knee , asked her to marry him .
32 TWO BOSNIAN families who fled detention camps and now live in Chelmsford have been assured that their applications for asylum are unlikely to be refused .
33 The distinguished chemist Lord Dainton described recently how the finding of a book on valency at his public library in Sheffield had been a seminal experience in his life .
34 Council bosses in Sheffield had already scrapped the boiler-check system .
35 Until the early 1980s , unemployment in Sheffield had been below the national average for the whole of the post-war period .
36 Moreover , the policing of the picket line was organised and controlled by local police officers according to a ‘ hearts and minds ’ philosophy : the Chief Constable of South Yorkshire sensibly recognised that almost every family in Sheffield had connections with the steelworkers and was keen to ensure that the police did not alienate themselves from the wider community .
37 Pitsmoor CAB in Sheffield has begun an experimental women-only advice session at the bureau .
38 The extended partnership of business , local education service , university and polytechnic , in Sheffield has taken ownership of the Sheffield Record of Experience and Achievement .
39 The Northern General Hospital National Health Service Trust in Sheffield has become the first hospital in the UK to install a Fibre Distributed Data Interface network : supplied by Cray Communications Ltd , the network is intended to run between eight hospital departments .
40 A single mother I met in Sheffield has got housing , but in a Dickensian block of flats , on the fifth floor , with no lift , a damp kitchen , bathroom and hall where the wallpaper seems to stand up only out of inertia because it is n't sticking to the walls .
41 Workers at the Heeley Urban Farm in Sheffield have spent several days collecting seeds from these flowers with the intention of growing them as a crop , eventually to sell the seed as an urban flower-mix .
42 The many part-time farmers in Germany had been under the same economic pressures as their counterparts in the UK in recent years .
43 Yet the electorally oriented ultra-right 's slide in Germany had far from spelt the end of the ‘ new right ’ that emerged throughout western Europe in the past decade .
44 The telecommunications business in Germany had been hit hard by the economic downturn there , pulling professional products and systems into a first quarter loss of $5m against a $72m profit a year ago .
45 Mutual distrust in Germany had , it is clear , bred a situation in which each side 's peace proposals had no chance of being accepted by the other .
46 The UK House of Commons defence committee , reporting on Aug. 9 on the preliminary lessons of this so-called " Operation Granby " , noted that it had " stretched " the country 's military resources to the extent that its operational capability in Germany had effectively been destroyed .
47 The US Army on Dec. 4 revealed that a US soldier serving in Germany had been sentenced to 34 years in prison after being convicted of spying for Iraq and Jordan during the Gulf War .
48 A good seventeenth-century example is Thomas Howard , second earl of Arundel , a great collector of pictures , who volunteered in 1636 for a special embassy to the Emperor Ferdinand II simply because he wished to see and perhaps buy a number of art treasures about which his agents in Germany had sent him glowing reports .
49 A manifesto printed in Germany had been circulating in the western Ukraine .
50 but every front line regiment in the Germ , in Germany had , they were the first tank regiment to get completed with er , er , computer optic sights and stuff
51 Public reaction to the film in Germany has been divided .
52 As the Soviet army in Germany has to cross Poland to get home ( unless it goes by sea ) , the Poles have asked for compensation for the trouble this causes .
53 In the author 's constituency , for example , there is a company whose main competitor in Germany has been given switchgear free of charge by the local electricity board , and they have been given a twenty-year loan at no interest for generating plant .
54 The Black Forest in Germany has been the victim of forest decline , where symptoms such as yellowing leaves and needles and a thinning crown affect half the country 's trees .
55 Yet opinion in Germany has shifted over the past year .
56 One of the great incentives for development in Germany has been the ability to bring academic institutions into the real world of production to allow technology transfer , aided , abetted and assisted by the Landers and the local authorities .
57 The Christian Democrats in Germany have a tradition of good quality newspapers .
58 It is his type that has been projected as a desirable up to the present time , although I feel that recently , Rottweilers in Germany have become slightly lighter in build and longer in the loin , a very workmanlike animal , designed for Schutzhund work .
59 So many people in Germany have names that are impossible to read . ’
60 I believe this situation is self-explanatory , so I wo n't bother you with details ; suffice it to say that the best engineers in Germany have convinced me that the weakest point in this chain is your body .
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