Example sentences of "in [num] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 But Arichis of Benevento , son-in-law to Desiderius , refused to do homage to Charles , and in 776 Benevento , Fruili and Spoleto attempted to restore the exiled prince Adelchis .
2 In 614 Chlothar held a council at Paris , and one at Clichy in 626/7 .
3 In 1517 David Cecil took a 21-year lease of land in Essendine at a rent of £18. 3s. 3d. ; not being the freeholder he was not mentioned in the muster , and there is no means of telling whether his global assessment of £46 at Tinwell embodied the profit of this farm which he very possibly sublet .
4 In 1875 Sykes achieved one of the greatest advances in railway safety in operation with his ‘ lock and block ’ system .
5 In 1875 Tosti made his first visit to London , and after this returned every year to the city , where he became very popular in fashionable circles .
6 In 1875 Caton , the professor of physiology at Liverpool , had shown that electrodes placed on the exposed brain of a rabbit could record electrical pulses , but Berger 's records came through the skull and could easily be dismissed as artefacts until his results were systematically vindicated by the Cambridge neurophysiologists Adrian and Matthews in the mid-1930s .
7 In 1875 Edith Arendrup 's marriage came to a tragic end .
8 Many scientists were well-read in theological writings , and thus when in 1875 Stewart and Tait produced The Unseen Universe they were not doing anything very much out of the ordinary .
9 In 1875 Drummond was appointed locomotive superintendent of the North British Railway , where he found the locomotive stock and workshops somewhat run down .
10 In 1875 Kempe bought an Elizabethan house , Old Place , Lindfield , which he greatly enlarged and decorated lavishly with his growing collection of furniture and works of art .
11 In 1875 Stuart was elected first professor of mechanism and applied mechanics at Cambridge , and pioneered the new courses .
12 Occasional statistics sometimes throw light on the problem ; in 1875 Gladstone 's pamphlet on the Vatican Decrees sold 100,000 copies and it is difficult not to see in this a level of religious interest which later declined .
13 In 1875 Richard D'Oyly Carte , an impresario , brought the immortal pair together and established an opera company to present the authorised versions of their works .
14 In 1875 Mann Crossman and Paulin opened its own purpose-built pale ale brewery in Burton-on-Trent , costing £77,000 , to beat brewers such as Bass and Allsopp at their own brew .
15 In 1875 Francis Seymour Haden , FRCS , advocated by means of three letters to The Times a disintegrating coffin ‘ … of some lighter permeable material , such as wicker or lattice-work , open at the top , and filled in with any fragrant herbaceous matters that happened to be most readily obtainable .
16 In 1875 Davies became treasurer of the college , resigning in 1886 .
17 Also in 1875 Townsend made his first tour to the Continent ; throughout his life he made regular visits to Europe , especially to northern Italy , where he developed a lifelong interest in architectural mosaics .
18 In 1875 Boston Spa College was purchased , and this became the nucleus of the present School .
19 In 1875 Thomas hit upon a way of removing phosphorus from iron ores in the process developed by ( Sir ) Henry Bessemer [ q.v. ] for the manufacture of steel .
20 In 1869 Richards , with Colonel Clarke , RE , took soundings along the length of the Suez canal , then about to be opened to navigation , and surveyed Port Said and its approaches .
21 It seems that thousands of these operations were performed in America from the 1850s onwards , while in England in 1869 Dr Wells reported in The Lancet one hundred cases .
22 Before his father 's retirement in 1869 Knowles began to practise independently .
23 But in 1869 Uncle Elias , who belonged to this secret group , suddenly left America with all their papers , and so the group could not go on .
24 In 1869 Skerne joined forces with a Dudley company to win a contract from the Bombay-based Grand India Peninisular Railway .
25 This may explain why in 1035 Harold 's claim to be Cnut 's son was greeted by some with incredulity .
26 In 1239 he gave the Forest of Dartmoor to his brother Richard , Earl of Cornwall , and his heirs , and in 1267 Amounderness and Lonsdale Forests in Lancashire and Pickering Forest in Yorkshire to his second son Edmund , Earl of Lancaster and his heirs .
27 In 1272 Kilwardby , in 1399 Salmon of Norwich , and in 1303 Gainsborough of Worcester were all required to take an oath to receive their lands at the king 's pleasure and not by papal grant , an oath which was thereafter usual whenever a bishop obtained his see by provision .
28 When he succeeded to the English throne in 1272 Edward I was already in his thirties and a man of wide experience .
29 In 1931–2 Danzig 's trade with Poland dropped from 8,300,000 tons to 5,400,000 tons .
30 In 750 Eadberht imprisoned Cynewulf , bishop of Lindisfarne , at Bamburgh , and besieged Offa , son of Aldfrith , in the church of Lindisfarne until , almost dead with hunger , he was dragged from sanctuary .
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