Example sentences of "and these [det] " in BNC.

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1 and these all came off the same train .
2 It 's all this his colours and these that 's quite nice .
3 And these latter values are very much higher than the values obtainable on the old system .
4 As far as the constant and variable capital is concerned the values which are replaced — — are clearly distinguished from the increments and , and these latter represent additional values and use-values .
5 Rather , the argument was that industrialism was giving rise to new , and massive , urban concentrations and these latter were having distinct social effects .
6 Above-average yields can sometimes be spotted on the convertibles of companies that are going through a bad patch , and these more risky recovery situations appeal to speculators .
7 Distinctive features of the sitter , his eyes and hands for example , are rendered with a greater degree of naturalism , and these , together with the stimuli provided by other details such as a button on M. Kahnweiler 's coat , a lock of hair , or the still life to the side of him , permit a reconstruction of the subject and his surroundings ; ( one of the New Caledonian sculptures owned by Picasso appears in a ghost-like form to the left of the sitter ) ; and these more realistic touches in turn forced the painter to restore or preserve the naturalistic proportions of the figure .
8 And these same Labour members have the nerve to criticise Mr Smith for offering weak opposition to the Government !
9 And these same aliens have also … ’
10 But then the good old American public elected Nixon so here you had Al Capone in the White House and these same political scientists wrote books saying hey hang on , when we said more power to the president we meant more power for our kind of president , you know , Jack , you know , and L B J and the boys , not this Nixon , Tricky Dicky character .
11 And these this is er a private car going along the road about fifty miles an hour going down towards Dover .
12 I made copies of the information and these this was given to Superintendent .
13 In the first outbreak it was estimated that no more than one per cent of the entire rabbit population survived , and these few were either immune or out of contact with other rabbits .
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