Example sentences of "and one man " in BNC.

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1 The widow claimed to be particular about who she let to and told her a great deal about the other lodgers ; a musician and a German student , both women , and one man , a writer .
2 The first casualty reports from the Pentagon said 11 US troops had been killed in action , 39 had been wounded and one man was missing .
3 I joined the rest of the group of nine ( eight women and one man ) at Malaga airport .
4 ‘ Gomez I can use , he 's learned a little — and one man at the mast . ’
5 So he made these first three senior commissioning editor appointments , effectively heads of big departments , appointing two women and one man .
6 John expressed a desire for milk and one man went on ahead to the surface and asked one of John 's neighbours to get out of bed and milk her cow .
7 In a ‘ stop run ’ organised by the landlord of the Half Moon on St. Paul 's Street during Christmas 1776 , the Mercury reported that ‘ several people were toss 'd , and one man , terribly bruis 'd and gor 'd in the face , by which it is fear 'd he will lose one of his eyes ’ and in 1785 the underbutler of Burghley House was killed when the bull suddenly turned on him .
8 Only seven people have reached the summit in winter and one man died in the attempt .
9 The nine women and one man are employed as occupational health advisers to the Metropolitan Police .
10 The pound is losing its value because of the collapsing British economy and there is only one party , and one man , to blame for that :
11 And one man will appear in court this morning charged with wasting police time after a hoax bomb call was made to stop nine helicopters flying pleasure flights from the front at New Brighton .
12 He was old , bent , bearded , and one man was holding him back while the other two kicked and thumped him .
13 To my dismay , the residents ' lounge was full of people and one man was addressing the company , whether they liked it or not , with an account of his mountaineering adventures .
14 Our Minister Mr. Robinson entred as a subscriber three years past and one man was sent and was soon sent back uncucarable which year was as I understand settled and a Declaration was sent to Declair off …
15 Most agreed that they had moments of nostalgia and longing to be back on the island , and one man , when pressed about why he admitted to such feelings , thought for a moment and then said ‘ It was chust a far better place … ’
16 Many regarded Tazio Nuvolari as " the greatest " and one man who had not doubts about that claim was Enzo Ferrari .
17 A fight breaks out and one man is struck on the head by a stick .
18 The crew tried to drive it away , and one man fired a rifle at it .
19 Or sixteen parts of garment , and one man would run two of those machines .
20 The bones were of five individuals one a child 8–9 years old , three women and one man .
21 And one man who seemed to go on for years was Cecil Dunford or " Slap " as he was known , an active man in all his pursuits in the village .
22 Great plates of sticky , sweet cakes and pastries were being consumed with tremendous gusto , and one man appeared to be eating a huge slab of pizza .
23 We have made sure that we get on with as much as we can get through in our help for Iraq through UNHCR , but there is one man — and one man only — who stands in the dock for the denial of resources to the northern Iraqi people , and that is Saddam Hussein .
24 An immigrant from the Dominican Republic , Lucrecia Pérez Martos , was shot dead in Madrid on Nov. 13 and one man was wounded in an attack by hooded gunmen which was attributed to the extreme right .
25 Most were Kamalians but there were also Spaniards from the Basque region , Africans from the front-line states , plus a few East Germans and one man from the Republic of Ireland .
26 ‘ Three women and one man , ’ Wynne-Jones decided , as he sifted through the artefacts .
27 There was no fire there , now , no sign of life , nor of the spirit that had once shrieked at the local folk who had emerged from the fortress demesne to loot and honour the dead : Four black-robed women and one man , robed in grey , a greybeard : he had understood the mythology of stone .
28 You know what a pitsaw is , you dig a hole and one man gets down the bottom , the other one comes up .
29 The court heard many potential eye witnesses in the pub had been imtimated and one man who did give evidence claimed a hit man had been paid twenty thousand pounds to kill him .
30 The car was badly damaged and one man was lying in a ditch .
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