Example sentences of "and we have " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It reminds me of my dear father one day at Sandwich , ’ she was saying , ‘ when we were picnicking on the sands and we had arranged to meet him at the nineteenth hole .
2 In some places the topsoil had been eroded and we had to zigzag up on loose scree .
3 The precaution paid off and we had no problems with the altitude , enjoying seven excellent days of walking and climbing .
4 An official I spoke to said there were no staff to take the train on and we had to leave and wait for another to come along . ’
5 It was a night for men and we had a lot of men out there .
6 ‘ It was a very shaky area and we had one or two incidents with tribes who buzzed a few spears at us ’ , said Mark as he inhaled deeply on another cigarette .
7 Food was still rationed and it was very much a question of making the best use of available resources and we had absolutely unlimited demand — a very false situation as it turned out when you think about what happened to British industry afterwards .
8 The day when McQuaid always used to come from the fair in Mohill and we had to make the big tea . ’
9 ‘ He came out of his house with a shotgun and a dog and we had to call the police .
10 It was memorable for the endless grind in one gully where the snow was waist-deep and we had to swim upwards , and for the point where we emerged on to the easterly ridge with views to Lyngen , and a wind that had bared the slopes and put our teeth on edge .
11 ‘ I 'd finally won custody of my daughter Eva and we had just moved down from Scotland to Leeds with my boyfriend Glynn .
12 I wish I was back at home with Marie , and it was warm and we had summat nice to eat like fish and chips or summat nice like that .
13 The Commanding Officer presented the prizes to the victorious 2 Company team , and we had finished with ISAAC 1989 .
14 Through an interpreter I replied that things were well and we had no famine .
15 Mrs Thatcher suggested that ‘ had America stayed in Europe after the first world war and we had a Nato then , I do not believe we would have had a second world war .
16 In 1878 The Royal Agricultural Society reported in their journal : ‘ This farm , in fact , has all the requisites of a prize farm , and we had therefore very great pleasure in awarding First Prize ( in all England ) to Mr Long who will , we feel certain , consider it a recognition of the untiring industry shown by himself and his wife in the management of this pretty little farm … the arable land is cultivated like a garden , being wonderfully free from weeds .
17 In fact , it was coming back from the Tadcaster job that the old Atlas van that we had , blew up — the big ends just blew out of it and we had to dump it there and go .
18 So , Barry , Christina and David came down and we had coffee in the sunshine , and that was the start of it basically .
19 Anyway , they all came in and we had this instant party which was very pleasant .
20 So , no sooner did the record go into the charts and we were going ‘ yeah , this is it — hooray — we 're taking off ’ , they dropped the record and we had to wait for the guys to come back to earth .
21 It was so neat and we had a good time .
22 Then the show ended and we had to return to America and I thought that was that — good friends , really talented , I 'd grown to really like David 's music .
23 There was very little noise as no-one had arrived — between twenty and thirty people were in the room — and we had this teeny stereo system about as big as a transistor radio for music .
24 We needed to be persuaded of the case and we had gone through the BR figures line by line .
25 We had tried talking across the negotiating table and we had tried talking through the medium of Pat Lowry , the Chairman of ACAS .
26 And we had to keep an eye open for police patrols .
27 I had invited everyone I could think of to tea , and we had been invited back , but it was not her style , and when she complained that it was not right for her ‘ to be living among all these old people ’ I understood very well what she meant .
28 I showed her the garden , and we chose and cut a cabbage , which I cooked , and we had lunch .
29 We could n't bring her into the house because we had an old cat and we had no spare kennels , so that just left the caravan .
30 Founder and director Lesley Scott-Ordish hoped we had enjoyed a good night , and we had .
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