Example sentences of "and which [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 One difficulty lay in the endless commissions he received , usually for illustrative work within an established vein and which left him little time to experiment .
2 The next morning dawned with the chaos usually associated with weddings , whether organised or not , and which left Ellie no time to think .
3 To put the matter another way , we might say that the beginnings of humans society were traumatic — that is , that they were occasioned by an overwhelmingly powerful and unexpected event for which our ancestors were not prepared by any instinctual responses of an automatic sort and which left long-lasting and indeed indelible effects on the human psyche .
4 ‘ Yes , those Scales that the faithful foolish Gnomes of Gallan wrought for Erin and which disappeared towards the end of his reign . ’
5 Early versions were comparatively flimsy mouldings which tended to suffer from brittleness and yellowing as they aged , and which relied on complicated channellings and fixing clips for their installation .
6 He came back to her in a barely controlled rush , gently parting her legs , his mouth and hands caressing her body in a way that made her move sinuously against him , and which wrenched a low moan of need from his throat .
7 There was a strong and pure Greek revival which happened as a result of contemporary scholars studying Greek antiquities , and which produced severe and masculine architecture .
8 Its London frontbenchers work as a team , backed by a campaign committee which was set up under the chairmanship of the shadow Commons leader , Jack Cunningham , after bad local-election results in London a year ago — and which produced the London manifesto .
9 Here we find the theoretical corollary of what Althusser was to characterize as the tragic ‘ double thesis ’ of Sartre 's ‘ historicist humanism ’ , and which produced , in Michael Sprinker 's words , a ‘ ceaseless rebounding between the poles of revolutionary optimism and historical pessimism ’ .
10 The 1950s resembled the 1920s experience with a roughly equal balance of public and private construction , almost all of which was suburbanization by addition and which produced 3732 dwellings .
11 A discussion then followed about the strengths of a less centrally controlled and ad-hoc response , which was broadly the case in the UK , and which produced some interesting and innovative approaches .
12 All this changed in 1969 and 1970 with the emergence of the environmental movement which made the environment a political or ‘ vote-catching ’ issue , and which produced massive public pressure for fast , dramatic action , the nature of which is usually restricted to crisis situations ( Gunningham , 1974 ; Jones , 1973 ) .
13 Today the Government , of course , still denies legal responsibility — presumably to frighten off any other claimants — but will dispense £150 million of taxpayers ' money to com pensate investors of both the Barlow Clowes UK fund and the Gibraltar based international fund ( which is n't covered by the Department of Trade 's writ and which offered rates of interest on allegedly gilt-edged stock which were not possible with out tax avoidance ) .
14 If the Liberal-SDP Alliance were ever in a position to implement electoral reform , a reformed and strengthened second chamber , and legal limits on the sovereignty of Parliament , then we could find ourselves with a constitution which entrenched the middle ground and which offered a democracy of dazzling choice but no decision , and a less-accountable government than that which we currently enjoy within the established constitution .
15 President Havel of Czechoslovakia became the first head of state on July 19 to ratify the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe ( CFE ) , signed by the six Warsaw Pact and 16 NATO member countries in November 1990 [ see p. 37838 ] , and which entailed sharp reductions in troops , tanks and weaponry .
16 The final selection was slanted towards books with a strong social content and which explored political issues .
17 A gate set up by Tom Poole at the bottom of the Lime Street orchard led directly into his own garden , a small secluded area which lay at some distance behind Poole 's house in Castle Street and which –contained , beneath the shelter of a lime-tree , a jasmine-covered arbour .
18 Unions also opposed a further government emergency measure of June 26 , creating a new wage indexing mechanism , which could only be used twice in a year and which forbade employers to pass on increased wage costs to consumers through higher prices .
19 The most important lesson I learned , in retrospect , from the failure of Lord Leverhulme 's attempt to industrialise Lewis was that the conflict between crofting and industry which he saw , and the government saw , and which wrecked his plans , did not exist .
20 One of the most popular programmes on 1OAB was The Fort San Programme which I presented each Sunday at 12.30 noon and which featured 90 minutes of records requested for patients in the tuberculosis sanatorium at Fort Qu'Appelle .
21 Yesterday 's Court of Appeal ruling overturned a High Court judge 's decision last month in favour of Hi-Tech Xtravision , of Camberley , Surrey , which makes and sells rival decoders and which challenged the right of BBC Enterprises to grant an exclusive decoder distributorship to Northampton-based Space Communications ( Sat Tel ) Ltd .
22 Other winners of the circuit , which ran through the summer and which culminated at Woodford Wells in October , were Natasha Giles and Greg Saffrey ( both 21 and under ) , Martin Calver ( 16 and under ) , Tilly Callow and Jeremiah Brindle ( 12 and under ) .
23 They comprise those who , having looked hard at the evidence , have become increasingly alarmed at the pace and the direction of the legal and institutional changes which are taking place and which culminated in the Maastricht notion of Union citizenship .
24 Student demonstrations in April and May 1990 were accompanied by acts of looting which led to the deployment of security forces outside schools and which culminated in clashes on the campus of Niamey University on June 7 .
25 They trooped inside and followed Phrynius down a shabby hall , then through another door to a larger room which had the shutters pulled down against the sun and which smelled slightly of ammonia and sulphur .
26 The constitution of the Vth Republic was intended to overcome the chronic factionalism , irresponsibility and opportunism which characterised the behaviour of deputés under those republics , and which rendered the government inoperable .
27 One reaction to this rather clichéd allegation took the extreme form of the new classical macroeconomics which jettisoned Keynesian ideas lock , stock and barrel , and which reinstated a modified , rather more mathematical version of the old classical system .
28 Even this demanding job left energy for much else , and at this time he began to organise art exhibitions , building on his own strong interest in the visual arts which had been fired by visits to Florence and Venice and by the mammoth Van Gogh show in the 1950s , and which led early to his abiding love of the Italian Renaissance giants and of such British artists as Prunella Clough , Keith Vaughan and RobertMedley .
29 It was Liverpool 's housing and employment problems which had sparked the Toxteth race riots , and which led Michael Heseltine to launch a much-publicized new initiative at inner-city regeneration through more inward private investment .
30 At the conference a successful effort had been made to invite informed opinion not only from the educational community but from many interest groups within Nigeria , an initiative which met with a splendid response and which led , with the help of some skilful chairmanship and competent editing to the production of a useful and sensible working document .
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