Example sentences of "and has do " in BNC.

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1 The person who sits on the dais in Ottawa or Canberra and goes through the motions of opening a Parliament is not and can not be the same being at all as the person who does these things and has done them from time immemorial at Westminster .
2 At the same time the government did not push its reforms as far as some supporters wished ; it did not , for example , place the onus on union members to contract in rather than out of paying the political levy and has done little to break down national wage bargaining which pays little attention to different local labour market conditions .
3 He did well for the likes of Cammell Laird and other plant closures , and has done well for the people at Rock Ferry . ’
4 Most tropical forest aid has gone to industrial forestry and has done little to aid the poor or protect the environment .
5 But the first reason was religious : ‘ part of the leiges has taken new opinions of the scripture , and has done against the law and ordinance of holy kirk ’ .
6 Britain of course protests that ‘ no country is doing more ’ to reduce sulphur — but then no country in Western Europe creates so much pollution and has done so little ( nothing ) in the past .
7 What Rick has failed to realise is that the Yamaha Pacifica ( 7,9 & 12 series ) also features a compound radius fingerboard , and has done since the range was introduced in 1990 .
8 To this day it is the address to which Diana has her private mail directed and has done ever since she suspected Fergie was visiting the Buckingham Palace post room in order to tell Prince Charles who was writing confidential letters to his wife .
9 ‘ It 's impossible to say what might be a fair mark on what Soft Day 's achieved , but he 's a nice horse and has done everything right so far , ’ he said .
10 In the last couple of years , Paul Merton has emerged from a tidal wave of British comic talent , that swelled at the beginning of the Eighties and continues to rain all around us , and has done so on a laugh raft all of his own .
11 He spent three days in jail after smashing up an apartment , and has done time in a drug rehabilitation centre .
12 Liturgical song does matter and has done so down the centuries since the early days of the Church .
13 And he grows hellebores Christmas Roses to the uninitiated — and has done so professionally since retiring from his job as a mathematics lecturer at Manchester University at the age of 50 , 18 months ago .
14 It 's interested in software , medical , retail and telecoms and has done PeopleSoft , Forte Software , Quarterdeck and Teradata. +1 415 854–6366
15 The government is not averse to pump priming book provision and has done this three times in the last six years , for the introduction of the GCSE examination , for acquisitions in university libraries and , most recently , for books for the National Curriculum .
16 The child has initially been asked to compare the number of cars on the two shelves , and has done so correctly .
17 erm another area of my work is as I er writing workshops , the writing workshops are very different from the normal writing workshops there based at galleries and they take groups of people round an exhibition recording their comments on either one particular picture or the exhibition as a whole and then with my help we put the comments into poems that are then displayed along side the exhibits , erm this work I do with erm all sorts of people with children people with special needs , disabled people and , and that 's really where my interest in art erm comes in and I find that its a great leveller for people who would like to express themselves and have perhaps have difficulty by aiding , by looking at paintings and being able to see perhaps emotions or images that they , they feel themselves , so in all areas erm I find painting in my areas of work , painting influences me and has done for as , as long as I can remember .
18 But eventually she persuaded us she meant it and we went and it was an invaluable experience meeting not only our missionary partner but the people among whom she lives and and works and has done for many years .
19 BARB 's research shows that the average individual watches around three and a half hours of television per day ( and has done so for at least the last 10 years ) , just over half of this being ITV .
20 There were not the multitude of motorcars about in those days , as there are now , but that was one of the firms that was trying to make it , and has done it , like that .
21 My uncle worships alone these days , and has done ever since his son left home to become a devout Capitalist ( neither his wife nor his daughter had ever bothered with my Uncle 's unique brand of condemnationist Christianity ; as a rule , the McHoan women , whether so by blood or marriage , have displayed a marked reluctance to take their men-folk 's passions seriously , at least outside the bedroom ) .
22 Radio 4 's excellent Margaret Howard , who presents Pick of The Week ( and has done so for 17 years ) is in the same boat .
23 Under section 230 certain derogations from the provisions of Schedule 4 apply to the individual accounts of a parent which is required to prepare consolidated accounts ( and has done so ) thereby rendering those provisions otiose .
24 On top of these , Frank has bought The Social Survival Handbook for October 1993 , by journalist Guy Browning , through Julian Alexander , and has done a further two-book deal ( following the last three-book contract ) for a ‘ healthy six-figure sum ’ with Lucinda Edmonds , author of Lovers and Players , through Arthur Goodhart .
25 That 's what we er we want , that 's what we require , because do n't forget old people er , in fact our present national treasurer , a Mrs Mary , is now serving as the national treasurer and has done for the last thirty five years .
26 The forced reference reset can occur at this level , and has done on numerous occasions .
27 He walked barefoot to three shrines , and he returned shriven , and has done more for the church than any King of Alba before him .
28 She has spent the last year following her sailing pursuits but this year she gave priority to her GCSE exams and has done much less sailing .
29 He limps now , and has done ever since I can remember .
30 The problem of the assault course of whether she 's actually fitted in in three months , anyhow that 's what we ought to write that in , but er , she travels , she travels most weekends playing hockey for Yorkshire , and has done that for four years , and she 's all over , where were you ? ,
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