Example sentences of "and have [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Elected councillors form the majority on these committees and have ultimate authority and responsibility for them , although in practice the education officers , who remain in post while councillors come and go , are often very influential .
2 You will not only lose weight and have greater vitality , you will also find that you are able to think more dearly and are less likely to suffer from stress .
3 Many commentators have suggested that non-manual workers enjoy considerable advantages in employment over their manual counterparts : they tend to enjoy more job security , work shorter hours , have longer holidays , more fringe benefits , and have greater promotion prospects ( Table 7 below illustrates some of these points ) .
4 Cycling would become far more attractive and have greater tourist potential if car movements were restricted , or alternative segregated facilities are built .
5 ‘ We will build a partnership with tenants so that they can be represented on housing committees and housing association management committees and have greater influence over repairs and services and the local management of their own estates . ’
6 Drive defensively and have comprehensive insurance .
7 They take in over 16,000 animals a year , ‘ nothing is ever turned away ’ , and have one of the highest re-homing rates in the country .
8 These molecules are proteins , which are embedded in the cell 's surface membrane and have one portion that sticks out and binds to a similar or complementary molecule on adjacent cells .
9 Numerous natural and artificial substances are capable of causing platelet aggregation ( Table 5.1 ) , and depending on the nature of the aggregation agent and its concentration , aggregation may be reversible or irreversible and have one or two phases .
10 Have one of those and have one of those .
11 Then : ‘ Better still , let's dash off to Nice now and have one more night here . ’
12 The highlight of the afternoon was the parade of Disney characters , after which there was just enough time to buy some souvenirs and have one last ride , before rejoining the coach back to Paris .
13 Alternatively , you could make the screens or shutters easily detachable and have one surface painted or covered in fabric so that you could ring the changes when you felt like it or have different ones for summer and winter .
14 ‘ I still want the opportunity to be out there and have one more chance at the title . ’
15 It was tempting to take one of the sacks of fuel up to the cottage and have one last night of heat — a temptation he could n't resist .
16 another paddle you can have instead of having them at the side and have one man and bursar
17 And have one for yourself .
18 It 's one thing to be seen on the hill , but quite another to be seen and have other climbers throw rocks at you .
19 Czechoslovakia has some remarkable health centres , such as Karlovy Vary ( which used to be called Carlsbad ) where one can take the waters and have other health treatments .
20 Even though you should rest a while after London , do plan other races and have other goals .
21 It should be clear of controlled airspace below 3000ft , cross over a few other roads , through a small town , and have other features such as railways , rivers , canals , lakes , or disused airfields within a mile or two either side .
22 Or she might know about rusting and have other reasons for believing that these particular pieces of metal would not rust .
23 Tell you the truth , I 'm sick to death of the lot of it , but I ca n't think of anything to do with it that wo n't have my old man haunting me and have other people 's feelings hurt .
24 It is the third year the council has run its sports award scheme , aimed at helping Cleveland sportsmen and women who have proved themselves at national level and have real prospects of international success .
25 Both materials offer distinct advantages and have certain limitations .
26 We would like to emphasise the fact that implicatures are pragmatic aspects of meaning and have certain identifiable characteristics .
27 Plants are living things and have certain requirements which we have to meet .
28 I find out about these release sites in various ways : through friends or volunteers or the farming parents of children I had lectured to , who have expressed an interest in having a pair and have suitable land .
29 It only applies in specified courts , for specified proceedings , and to those who fall within the financial conditions and have reasonable grounds for taking , defending or being party to an action .
30 Let me read to the right hon. and learned Gentleman what the Engineering Employers Federation said : ’ Our experience is that provided they are properly conducted ’ — the very point that I am making — ’ secret workplace ballots are not subject to harassment and have additional beneficial features .
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