Example sentences of "and he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I auditioned and he hired me .
2 Then Bernard made two critical decisions ; for the first time he organized some advertising and he hired a new shop manageress .
3 Obediently , they bowed their heads and he dusted his hands as if they had been contaminated .
4 We were shooting the film in North Wales in a terrible wet month in a tiny village and he smoked and read and did his crosswords and smoked .
5 His hair was braided with flowers and he smoked a large joint .
6 As you know , Joe has always carried a pound or two more than was absolutely necessary and he smoked and drank a few glasses of beer at the end of the day and , as he says , ‘ it all adds up ’ .
7 He 's got a really big nose and he smokes a horrible smelly pipe . ’
8 ‘ He fined me for being late and he fined me for being overweight .
9 ‘ He fined me for being late and he fined me for being overweight .
10 The offence was grievous and innocent , I drove the wrong way round a roundabout , which sounds appalling but there was not a single other car in sight to , in a sense to steer by so to speak , erm but there was one policeman , and he stopped me , and he fined me , and I had to search for my purse , which I had well hidden , this being Italy , erm underneath all the bedding and the tents and the cooking pots , found it in due course , presented him very shakily with these thousand lire or whatever it was he wanted , and , and this is really the point , drove off very shakily too .
11 There was water at the bottom covered by a thin skin of ice and he splashed into it face first .
12 Bicker seemed deep in thought and he splashed through puddles without seeing them .
13 His heart lurched and he splashed his goblet full to the brim with dark red claret .
14 There he learned that the original fleet was now in Sicily and he hastened on to Messina to join them .
15 He turned to find the President , Max Klein , leading his party up the aisle and he hastened to take his own seat .
16 However , this was clearly not the moment in which to tell his dearest Laura that she looked magnificent when she was angry , and he hastened to set the record straight .
17 He expressed interest in the article for Leavis , which had been called ‘ Scrutiny of Modern Greats ’ , and he questioned me closely about the general intellectual mood at Oxford .
18 Yet he sensed that those next few minutes , after Ashenden had finished speaking with Kemp , might well have been the crucial ones in that concatenation of events which had finally led to murder ; and he questioned Ashenden further .
19 And he irritates me by repeating things over and over again . ’
20 The cameraman then came on board and we left the quay ; we returned and he transferred to a motor boat to film us leaving the quay .
21 Moreover , his nerve deserted him when Russia invaded East Prussia , and he transferred two army corps from France to the East .
22 Of course , he knows that you and I are old friends and he transferred his anger to you .
23 She struggled to sit up , still wrapped in the mists of sleep , and he transferred his gaze from her shoulders to her breasts .
24 I think this is clearly Miller 's main use for the character of Alfieri and he tries to make this more realistic by making Alfieri a lawyer though I do not think that this is done very well as Alfieri does not say anything which would justify him being a lawyer as all Eddie asks him are things he would have asked anyone though perhaps he asked him because he was a ‘ lawyer ’ and he respected this and knew he would get confidentiality .
25 No , he 's going to give me fifty because , do n't forget , he 's in a small bed and he eats thirty pounds worth of food .
26 And he hates me for giving in to them , and for seeing how he 's shrunk .
27 He hated them before the war and he hates them now with a depth you gentlemen here would find hard to understand . ’
28 And he hates the fact that people think that , too .
29 Thing is , he was christened that way , and he hates the whole moviestar bit .
30 He thinks I 'm a tramp , she thought , almost dispassionately , and he hates what he 's done , hates the way sexual desire 's lured him , tricked him .
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