Example sentences of "and with no " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 It left the Labour hierarchy acknowledging frankly that the long-running dispute had ended in stalemate , and with no clear plan for achieving a generally acceptable constitutional formula .
2 Despite its immense size , it was severely underpowered : by the late 1940s , with BOAC refusing to use it and with no other customer , the project became an expensive white elephant and was ultimately scrapped by the succeeding Conservative government .
3 It was only a cast-iron lump with pushrod valvegear , of course , and with no pretensions to be anything more exotic ; even in 1964 we observed that ‘ although this comparatively unsophisticated six-cylinder engine must now be very near the end of its development , it seems to have gained in flexibility and is virtually free from any temperament . ’
4 Its six is n't a BMW six — not smooth and eager , but more stolid and insistent , bigger on torque than on power and with no special desire to rev more than it has to .
5 The flow of supplies into the Midlands from the Merseyside works had dried up completely and with no apparent end to the stoppage in sight , lay-offs took immediate effect .
6 And with no human kiss
7 She had also said she would not be lonely and dull , but I knew she was ; far from shops and with no companionship but mine .
8 These splendid and intricate bronze castings are enigmatic : they appear on the scene without apparent precursors and with no obvious descendants .
9 Would you prefer to move to a flat — one without so much as a balcony and with no windowsills — or to concrete your garden over and spend your days watching your neighbours at work ?
10 Dorothea prayed , very formally and with no hope whatsoever , for Eleanor Thorne .
11 Whatever his standing with Catholics ( and for a short time it was high ) , he was set on a collision course with the representatives of traditional unionism and with no representative more so than Ian R. K. Paisley .
12 Educated Greeks and Romans thought strange the Jewish religion without images and with no sacrifices except at Jerusalem , with bizarre food laws excluding pork , with circumcision , and a distinctive calendar .
13 The ‘ most dreadful ’ feeling was being completely exposed to the bombing , powerless to do anything about it , and with no sign of any retaliation .
14 For what a horse does under compulsion … he does without understanding , and with no more grace than a dancer would display if a person should whip and spur him during his performance …
15 It was an office memorandum much like any other , entitled ‘ Release of American Hostages in Beirut ’ : closely typed in best office prose , and with no cover sheet .
16 If a man had a ‘ call ’ to a chapel he could become a minister without any denominational approval and with no educational qualifications required .
17 She finds herself on a dual carriageway , almost a motorway , raised above the level of the neighbouring houses , and with no apparent exits .
18 A self-styled lazy student and with no wealth in the family to support a college boy , he decided that summer to quit .
19 The original plan to restore the house as a hotel has lapsed and new proposals have been lodged with the city council for dividing the house into flats with new front doors set randomly into many of the original window frames , and with no use for the spectacular hall and staircase .
20 Whereas touristy me — town-bred and with no more knowledge of nags than a few donkey-rides sixty years ago — I rode high and proud on Suzy , a two-year-old Arab who was full of wind and nervous at moving so slowly .
21 ‘ Lovely fresh herbs from the garden picked all fresh and with no chemicals on ! ’
22 And with no help at all ?
23 As Agnes hurried down the street it came to her that it had been tactless of her to talk about life being dull and with no bright future ; for had they any bright future ?
24 But in the main her mother had continued to live in her own world and her father in his , and she herself had been waging an inward war of words against the narrowness of her existence and with no hope of seeing a way out : she had given the final ‘ no ’ to Henry Stalwort and convinced Peter Chambers that it was useless him thinking she would change her mind .
25 ‘ Look here : that was in broad daylight over a single strand of wire , not under fire from any machine guns , and with no patrolling goon with a gun to meet us on the other side .
26 And with no replacement I was just shrinking away .
27 And with no funds , the IRB would find it hard to exist . ’
28 My grandparents ' village was a small place off the main road , away from busy roads and with no mains services .
29 Rather taken aback , and with no time to think of a suitable reply , I said , ‘ Well , I suppose at your age I can only stand back and hope you do n't make too many mistakes . ’
30 What seemed to be a simple matter when merely held as a mental question , verbally unframed and with no thought given to response , appears as a simply impossible problem when it has actually to be put down on paper .
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