Example sentences of "and of [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 The upshot of President Bush 's efforts to exercise this influence is a cut in 1990 of 68% in Guatemala 's military aid and of 23% in economic aid .
2 The book describes the experiences of other oppressed groups in Mexico , of outcast ( Dalit ) communities in India , and of fisherfolk fighting for their rights in the Philippines .
3 To speak differently , if e had not occurred , then even if there had also occurred any change x logically consistent with the absences of e and of cc , and consistent with the absences of links between cc and e , it would also have been the case that cc did not occur .
4 And forest , if it is left to recover , will in fact recover fairly well , probably with slightly fewer of the species that have been taken out , but the same sort of diversity of tree cover , and of fauna and flora , because in fact you 're taking very little out when you 're logging alone .
5 The Spanish ambassador was reporting to his sovereign that James was ‘ five millions in debt ’ , and intended to ‘ raise three millions by the sale of the Royal woods and of deer ’ .
6 As they moved along the route she became aware of birds singing in the trees , and of sheep grazing peacefully in the fields .
7 In October an agreement was reached with the " Paris Club " of Western creditor countries on the rescheduling of $150,000,000 in arrears and of $950,000,000 in official debt .
8 Papers of Professor Alastair Fowler , 1962–88 , include manuscripts and typescripts of poems and of works on English literature .
9 The report revealed a number of financial irregularities and implicated officials from various ministries including those of Commerce , Trade and Industry and of Works and Supply .
10 From August 1937 the Club operated a price-reduction agreement with Lawrence and Wishart , who had a virtual monopoly of Marxist-Leninist publications and of works by the leading members of the British Communist Party .
11 The dispositive contents of the will include : ( i ) pecuniary legacies of £1,000 each to the two executors , and of £2,000 to a Mr. Clarke , the deceased 's stockbroker ; ( ii ) provision for 150B , High Street and its contents to be retained to provide a residence during their respective lifetimes of two ladies , Mrs. Donelly and Mrs. Willett ; ( iii ) a settled legacy of £10,000 to provide for the maintenance of 150B , High Street during the residence there of the two ladies ; ( iv ) a settled legacy of £2,000 for a specified animal charity ; and ( v ) a gift of residue in equal shares to two specified charities .
12 In fact , in 1932–33 , without all the goals of the FFYP having been achieved , 6.7 million workers and employees were working in Soviet factories , an increase of more than 110% over that of 1928 , and of 65% over the planned number of workers !
13 And if the management of secondary school science departments includes the management of review and of staff development then the effect of a whole-team approach to TVEI and the sharing of ideas , expertness and good practice will be better than the effect of teachers accepting TVEI principles on an individual basis .
14 There were still people who saw the life of a modern university as ‘ some community of pure scholar-students pursuing their work regardless of its bearing on their subsequent careers , and of staff having the sole duty of inculcating appropriate habits of thought and advancing knowledge with no practical application ’ .
15 This relationship between ease-of-use and power is crucial to the global development of computer applications in general and of multimedia in particular .
16 Students in the third year use this background of study to engage in discussion of the Kantian synthesis , of contemporary philosophy , and of ethics and the philosophy of religion .
17 Students in the third year can use this background of study to engage in discussion of the Kantian synthesis , of contemporary philosophy , and of ethics and the philosophy of religion .
18 High standards of technical skill and of ethics , for example , are argued to be necessary because the client can not judge the service he receives .
19 It was approved by the House of Representatives on Dec. 8 , 1989 , with only the socialist Cyprus National Democratic Union ( EDEK ) voting against , following the introduction of cuts ranging from $13,500,000 to the ordinary budget and of $132,480 to the refugee relief fund .
20 Sponsors of the bill suggested that the cost of the latest extension would be met through the use of $2,200 million left unspent during the last fiscal year and of $500 million from an accelerated collection of taxes from large corporations .
21 The net result : a current-account deficit last year of $2.1 billion , and of $1.8 billion in January alone this year .
22 As Alan Crawford noted in the SAVE/CAMRA report Time Gentlemen Please of 1983 , old pubs ‘ are not isolated or monumental , but part of the fabric of the city , and of people 's ordinary lives , street-corner history .
23 The number of drug users with HIV infection and of people infected heterosexually , continues to grow , ’ he said .
24 The two sets of categorizations are closely related , for this sense of the abnormal is based in part on typifications of people , but also in part on typifications of place and of people in ( or out of ) place .
25 The autonomy of committees and of people
26 Many more stories could be told of the effects of the bomb — of terrible burns and of people dying slowly from radiation .
27 Grieco 's work is based on a detailed case study in the Northamptonshire steel town of Corby , and smaller studies of women in the fisheries industry in Aberdeen and of people migrating from the East End of London to live and work in the new town of Basildon , on London 's outer fringes .
28 This passage is the source for one of the most debated features of Marxist social theory , known as the ‘ base and superstructure metaphor ’ : the idea that the economic ‘ material base ’ of society determines developments in the ‘ superstructural ’ realms of law , of politics and of people 's ideas generally .
29 The fourth item in table 9.7 shows the five Authorities identified as having the worst housing conditions under the ACORN scheme , which includes multiple criteria and identifies four mutually exclusive groups of housing areas associated with particular deprivation , each of which could be treated separately in the allocation of resources : poor terraced housing , the poorest Local Authority housing , areas with a high concentration of multiple — occupancy and of people of Asian origin , and areas with a high concentration of multi-let property with a significant proportion of people of Afro-Caribbean origin .
30 It is not just a question of prison visits and of people being shifted far away from their homes , because telephone calls can also be a problem .
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