Example sentences of "and thought it " in BNC.

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1 Michael 's younger sister found him a fidget in church and thought it was fidgeting to excess .
2 I crushed some of the flowers and rubbed them on my forehead as I 'm told it has an invigorating effect on cabbages and thought it might do the same for me .
3 Many a time I have wanted to ask her about this , and thought it wrong .
4 We plan your holiday arrangements many months in advance , and thought it is unlikely that we will have to make any changes to confirmed arrangements , it does occasionally happen .
5 In fact , many felt its power had become too great and thought it no bad thing when it was forced to close , I believe in 1932 or 1933 .
6 Gedge joked to music writers that he had accidentally played the original Orange Juice song at the wrong speed and thought it sounded great .
7 It was during my visit that I made my acquaintance with Woolworths and thought it a marvellous store with goods that were priced at either 3d or 6d ; the firm did not arrive in Salisbury until 1927 .
8 This year 's chairman of the Pimlico Connection , Giancarlo Marcheselli , was curious to know what teaching would be like , and thought it would be a way of doing something useful to complement the years as a student ‘ where everything you do is for yourself ’ .
9 But most were pleased and thought it was all quite exciting . ’
10 ‘ I 'm so sorry — I saw the fire , and thought it was the dining-room .
11 So she went with them and thought it was great fun .
12 Westmacott saw tracer at low level in the direction of Luqa and thought it was fire from an enemy aircraft — in fact it was the airfield 's own machine guns engaging the intruder .
13 I did n't know whether I would be bale to finish and thought it best to drop out .
14 ‘ I used Victoria when I was younger and thought it was terrible , ’ he said .
15 I saw this little cutting and thought it might encourage some of us who have passed our sell by date stage .
16 Nan had seen Benny studying her foot and thought it must be paining her .
17 She had picked the word up from an English film shown on television and thought it charming .
18 I owe the club a lot and thought it only sensible to continue . ’
19 I had noticed the scaffolding placed around it the week before and thought it looked an odd sight , with the Chairman 's head just visible over the striped plastic sheeting .
20 Eagles Nest Direct at 4a is one I actually went to check and thought it rather more .
21 I 'd already been to the forest couple of times as a student and thought it was the most wonderful place .
22 I read the book and thought it was very funny .
23 Have you ever come out in a rash after working in the garden , and thought it might have been caused by a plant you were handling ?
24 We just saw the last three letters and thought it was Colchester . ’
25 Baldwin confirmed it twenty years later , when he wrote to Tom Jones front the depths of his retirement : ‘ I spent a lot of my holiday in 1923 walking in the hills around Aix and thought it all out by myself .
26 G. W. Hastings , who was present , went much further in his hostility to male printers and thought it would be a positive " advantage if wages were lowered in the printing trade " , referring to the London union ( the London Society of Compositors ) as " one of the most powerful and most structured trade unions in London " , which , unjustifiably in his view , " prevented any printer employing any compositor at less than 33s a week " .
27 I listened — and thought it was quite awful .
28 ‘ After I talked to Mr. Connors here , I sat around and thought it all over .
29 I was not pleased with this interview , and thought it was strange that the news of my expectations had not made me happier .
30 Christina noticed her face , and thought it was time for goodnights , before Antonio added something he might really be sorry for .
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