Example sentences of "and think of " in BNC.

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1 Announce yourself clearly and think of what you intend to do .
2 The villagers hold them in awe and think of them as men of the world .
3 Then to that further past , still up the stream Ascend and think of some divine first day In holidays from school .
4 Then I had to come back — and into this — and do you know — ’ ( he leant towards her ) ‘ even now I close my eyes and think of her , otherwise I ca n't make love — ’ He was still living on that charmed island of experience in the past .
5 Mine , at any rate , after the initial angers and resentments , has lingered on to this day , and I think there has never been a rime when I did not remember that love and think of Dana .
6 Here , they can combine a professional career with the joys of rural living : Richard 's practice as a chartered surveyor is an easy eight minutes ' drive away , just long enough to ‘ listen to the traffic reports and think of all those people on the M25 ! ’
7 And think of the climate — more people will want to spend their holidays with you than when you were MP for Ribble Valley . ’
8 We could make a team and think of a plan . ’
9 I generally go off to bed quite early , lie in my little bivouac , smoke a cigarette , and think of you .
10 I nod understanding and think of Hugh MacDiarmid 's lines in ‘ Island Funeral ’ about the islanders being ‘ Priest-ridden by convention/And pagan by conviction . ’
11 We need to stop talking of single buildings and think of streets , whole environments .
12 And think of the furore if Jane Goodall returned from Gombe stream with photographs of wild chimpanzees building their own houses , well roofed and insulated , of painstakingly selected stones neatly bonded and mortared !
13 If a ‘ keep out ’ sign annoys you , stop and think of the stalker and his family before you do anything silly , and even if the whole issue of land use and access in Scotland enrages you , remember the place for a protest is not on the hill , but in the ballot box .
14 One way to think of the development of the worm is to draw an analogy with a digital computer and think of the cells at every cell division making a discrete choice as to what to do next .
15 If you are the singer and guitarist it is difficult trying to remember the words , play guitar at the same time and think of something witty to say between the songs , ’ he says .
16 And think of a life ahead sitting at a machine tapping out : ‘ Dear Sir , At your request I am forwarding twenty barrels of salted herring to your wife 's boudoir .
17 Pause for a moment and think of someone ( or more than one ) whom God has used for your own teaching , encouragement , guidance , perhaps in your youth or young adulthood or marriage , or at a crisis point in your life , or very recently .
18 To sit down in meditation and think of these mystical ideas is to poise oneself for the transcendent journey .
19 Perhaps the easiest way to consider the range of behaviour under the umbrella term ‘ participant observation ’ is to separate the words ‘ observer ’ and ‘ participant ’ and think of four possibilities — a complete observer , an observer as participant , a participant as an observer and a complete participant .
20 Just Lie Back and Think of the Empire
21 I suspected he liked these ink-stained accounts because , while our voices filled the room like smoke , he could lie back concealed in its swathes and think of Eva .
22 But this week , the members of John Major 's new administration , whether reappointees or freshmen , will simply emit a long sigh of relief and satisfaction , and think of England ( or in a few cases , Scotland , Wales or Northern Ireland ) .
23 Some people have felt that this borrowing from Dorothy and others shows a certain egotism on Wordsworth 's part , but it was his method as an artist to absorb things into himself , and think of them for a long period before writing them down ; nor is it necessary to maintain , in any case , that the ‘ I ’ of a Wordsworth poem is necessarily the poet himself — it may stand as a universal shorthand symbol with which the reader can equally identify .
24 The first we step into we call the infant or thoughtless Chamber , in which we remain as long as we do not think … we no sooner get into the second Chamber , which I shall call the Chamber of Maiden-Thought , than we become intoxicated with the light and the atmosphere , we see nothing but pleasant wonders , and think of delaying there for ever in delight .
25 Perhaps I am myself no gourmet , and think of food as a matter in which the rational man can excuse himself from making a fully-considered choice .
26 ‘ Even if I am wrong and think of a dozen times , it is still dreadful that somebody so involved in the game is not out there watching the guys .
27 You whine and whinge and think of no one but yourself .
28 It is , as far as he knows , the only way of coming downstairs , but sometimes he feels that there is really another way if only he could stop bumping for a moment and think of it . ’
29 Sometimes we can focus too much on practical arrangements , and think of grief as a normal concomitant of old age .
30 As an illustration of what we are trying to unearth , let's go back to Muriel 's situation again , and think of her in relation to this exercise .
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