Example sentences of "and might [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 It would seem that the birth of Isaac has made all the difference , and might hold the clue to our question about what has been going on .
2 Some men were particularly successful in Black Africa , and might return direct to Kufra with slaves , spices , even gold , which they then forwarded north to Alexandria for export , they alleged , ‘ to Istanbul ’ .
3 Platelet activating factor decreases with prednisolone therapy and might return to normal concentrations in quiescent patients .
4 The dead king was identified with Osiris , but each individual who hoped for eternal resurrection was henceforth identified with Osiris and might place the title " the Osiris " in front of his or her name in funerary inscriptions .
5 In areas where rabies occurs , there is the added risk that it could be rabid , and might inflict a deadly bite .
6 This style makes easy reading and might form the basis of a ‘ live performance ’ as it has the feel of a radio script .
7 The trustee could with good reason contest the beneficiary 's claim , and might stand a chance of success .
8 There is , however , a large variety of killings which lie above that line but below the line demarcating murder : a killing in which D knew there was a risk of death , but was held not to have intended death or grievous bodily harm , would fall within involuntary manslaughter and might justify a high sentence ; whereas a killing in which D pushed a person during an argument in the street and the person fell backwards , cracking his head on the kerb and dying from a brain haemorrhage , might also fall within involuntary manslaughter and might justify a low sentence .
9 There is , however , a large variety of killings which lie above that line but below the line demarcating murder : a killing in which D knew there was a risk of death , but was held not to have intended death or grievous bodily harm , would fall within involuntary manslaughter and might justify a high sentence ; whereas a killing in which D pushed a person during an argument in the street and the person fell backwards , cracking his head on the kerb and dying from a brain haemorrhage , might also fall within involuntary manslaughter and might justify a low sentence .
10 One teacher in a cluster group could take special responsibility for history and might carry out liaison , sharing the fruits with other teachers .
11 This may be explained , at least in part , by the greater antigen binding capacity of the solid phase , and might explain why some of the antibodies showed reactivity with antigens bound to nitrocellulose which they failed to recognised by ELISA .
12 Again , the visitor to Thorikos , if taken there blindfold from the real city-state of Euboian Eretria , might well find it hard to tell the two apart , and might think that he was in another place with the same independent status : there is a fortified acropolis , a theatre and a temple — just as at Eretria .
13 It completely failed to influence public opinion when it emerged from its secret society chrysalis in 1939 , and in spite of its extremism and the uncertainties of the law with regard to seditious libel where public order was not threatened , the authorities decided that any move against the group would give it unwanted publicity and might achieve more harm than good .
14 For various reasons the king would have preferred to keep his hands free , but as soon as he realized that Anselm would not move from his position and might leave the country , he decided to recognize Urban II .
15 The title ‘ spiritual director ’ inevitably smacks of something authoritarian and paternalistic and might deter some from seeking such a relationship .
16 Susan had insisted on doing all the washing up by herself ; they 'd all had too much wine and might break something , she said .
17 A more refined gradation of offences could not be worse in this respect , and might improve the fairness of the labels and sentences imposed on sexual offenders .
18 Yet there is one passage in chapters 1–3 which might seem to dispel all fear , and might lead us to expect Israel to win a resounding victory .
19 I think he realises that living in the same house would be very hard for both of you , and might lead to something that would worry your tender conscience no end .
20 The opposition Labour Party expressed fears that EC membership could damage Malta 's economy and might lead to an unacceptable loss of independence and sovereignty .
21 Apart from the fire risk involved , this could allow the spread of moist air to the rest of the house , and might lead to condensation problems .
22 It may be an ark , but one on which anthropophagy is rife ; an ark skippered by some crazy greybeard who beats you round the head with his gopher-wood stave , and might pitch you overboard at any moment .
23 Jean would probably like a sewing-room-cum-spare-room , and might want to redecorate it completely .
24 The problem is , as you access customer transactions and might want to raise an invoice , it 's intuitive to click on the INVOICE button in that section , thinking , not un-naturally , that it 's the right thing to do .
25 Then the woman took a paper bag out and I thought she had some sweets and might give one to me .
26 The burden of Mustakimzade 's argument , then , is that Molla Yegan was a mufti but not the Mufti , that he , like any other had the power of and might give fetvas when the need arose , but that he did not attain the office of Mufti .
27 This was particularly true of our proposals about knowledge about language , for some teachers might be ill at ease with this new material and might welcome programmes of study based on drills and rote-learning .
28 Staff underuse the present ‘ transfer call ’ facilities on the telephone system , and might benefit from training , which need not take long .
29 On the other hand , a high-class interior designer would be far more likely to regard quality as a goal that could not be compromised , and might regard a single dissatisfied customer as a threat to future business .
30 He was absolutely obsessed by his play , and might regard what he saw as wanton tampering with it as a threat to his whole personality .
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