Example sentences of "and she always " in BNC.

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1 Charlie was dead keen on Lilian doing him credit and she always did , always looked as if she 'd just stepped out of a bandbox .
2 We sometimes met her in the street on her way from classes , and she always stopped to talk to us .
3 When she got up in the morning , always had amethyst earrings — and she left to me actually — and she always looked absolutely immaculate .
4 As the granddaughter grew into a young woman , they still ‘ always got on , and she always stuck by me ; ’ When she was told off by her parents for coming home late at night , the old lady would ask them , ‘ Were you never young once ? ’
5 Jessica had been born in India , as it happened , and she always had a sympathetic interest in Commonwealth affairs .
6 Dad hated old Gran anyway , we had n't seen her for years and she always sent me Californian Poppy Bath Salts for Christmas .
7 She never dropped out of University and she always worked ( when no-one was looking ) , but she never really felt a part of the University itself , so much as a part of Bristol the city .
8 ‘ I 'm sure she did , lots of times over the years , and she always got the door slammed in her face . ’
9 But Mother Clare had fought many battles since she had taken her vows and she always realised when she was on poor ground .
10 Bridget had been one of those teenagers who work all through their school holidays in restaurants or in shops or cleaning houses and she always had cash .
11 ‘ But she always bought a ticket through an agency and she always wanted to come anonymously , ’ says Sir Peter .
12 It 's just that I do n't have the same taste as she does and she always wants me to have what she wants .
13 She had lots of rings , on both hands , and she always wore overalls .
14 Mary Lennox had heard a great deal about Magic in her Ayah 's stories , and she always said what happened almost at that moment was Magic .
15 While the others snatched a midday break , Emily 's daughter-in-law Maudie took her turn of duty in the shop , and she always had her small son with her so she could keep an eye on him .
16 But he never said anything , and she always turned sadly away like a disappointed child .
17 In a way , it 's a bit like being with you , Alice ; I can say anything I want to her and she always seems to understand , just like you do .
18 But er he did the boy did suffer with a bit of stomach trouble in later life and she always blamed herself .
19 More than once she has been asked , without prior warning , to sit down there and then and play an instrument — usually for a film sequence — and she always complies without a flicker of nerves .
20 ‘ Ireland was in the heart of her heart , ’ said Sir Michael E. Sadler [ q.v. ] , and she always felt a touch of the exile 's longing .
21 And she always did whatever she wanted , which was mostly enjoy herself and ignore her homework .
22 She cycles four miles every morning to ride out with us and she always arrives before anybody else . ’
23 And she always gave them good measure and did an awful trade .
24 He had this way of drawing her to him and she always seemed to go .
25 I 've put in stuff for her from all over , and she always thanks me , not like she was paying me at all .
26 Always ( and she always forgot it ) came this moment of poignancy with Caro .
27 Americans sprang from her and she always calls them back .
28 She had loved him forever , and she always would .
29 And she always wore jet .
30 As I had to go to Beskett this young woman had not long been married and she always used to ask me to call at her house in Palfrey , cos I used to go on a bike not in a van , on a carrier bike , she used to ask me to call at her house in Palfrey to see if there were any mail from her husband and he was , there sometimes was sometimes there was n't nothing you know that he 'd written and er one day I 'd got back and er she was all in tears and er he , he had been killed in France and I was glad I did n't have to be the harbinger of the times you know she still lives in Palfrey now Mrs yeah .
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