Example sentences of "and for their " in BNC.

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1 But if it sometimes seems to be saying , on Salim 's behalf , that race or kinship wins , it is also the case that it is full of losers , that it has a lively feeling for the Africans of market and bush , and for their African troubles , and for the situation of Salim as someone evolved or emerged from a tribal narrowness to an experience of sexual love which is liberating and dramatic , and that it does justice to Metty 's last state , left behind in the dangerous town at the bend in the river .
2 Tracts were to be chosen solely for their propaganda value and for their capacity to instil a Communist ‘ world ’ view .
3 Their main pleasure seemed to be in the beautiful garments they made for each other and for their children .
4 The people are taught the implications of the relationship for their worship and their cult , for the ordering of their society , its internal politics and economics and its foreign policy , for their personal relationships with one another , and for their attitudes and inner dispositions .
5 Protein is essential for the growth of body cells and for their repair , and for their eventual replacement with new cells .
6 Protein is essential for the growth of body cells and for their repair , and for their eventual replacement with new cells .
7 He warned : ‘ It is easy to be has-beens at 21 with nothing in thee future and for their lives to be ruined .
8 This instinctive anti-Americanism was revealed most clearly during the Gulf War , in which the pretence that the Basic Law prevented them from sending troops was a mere figleaf for their initial failure to offer any political support to the American-led campaign ( Genscher remained silent for a week after the fighting began , although he and Kohl tried to make amends later ) and for their inexcusable prevarication about supporting Turkey in the event of an attack by Iraq .
9 These movements can cause real problems from the point of view of the sense of national identity and citizenship of the migrants and for their relationships with the indigenous populations .
10 The Soviets , Iraq 's patron in the days of superpower bi-polarity , were immediately rewarded with a $4 billion Saudi Arabian loan for their vote in favour of the Resolution ; Syria got $1.5 billion from the Saudis and a free hand in Lebanon from the US ; and for their acquiescence , several Non-Aligned States got promises of IMF loans or World Bank credit .
11 Finally they were resented as any established clique is resented by newcomers , and for their part , put on little airs and gave themselves privileges in return .
12 Green not only loved painting them but actually loved trees for themselves and for their beauty in the landscape .
13 Their affection for each other and for their hero father is restrained .
14 help young children to develop a sensibly cautious attitude by taking care with everyday household products , and by using all manufactured chemical correctly and for their intended use
15 to come and go , and for their sheep and
16 The rabbits were introduced in furtherance of sport and for their food value by the landowners of the time .
17 Human beings need to find someone to blame both for their misery and for their guilt .
18 Nothing is more touching and sad than to see how these people — cast out and despised by everyone including their kin , living in and for their regular ‘ balls ’ where they compete to dress up to act out , for a moment , the roles they would like to play in real life , and know they ca n't — reconstruct their own human groups .
19 If your name or aircraft appears on the following list the CAA would like to hear from you , and for their part promise to place their mailing list for safety information from that time .
20 The parishes were more or less equal in area , around 4000 acres ; their layout says a great deal for the Saxon ability to recognise and exploit soil features and for their respect for mutual rights of neighbouring communities .
21 And for their inspirational captain and star batsman to see himself so early as a lonely figure of torment , when England will need his strengths in the weeks to come , does not bode well .
22 The Brehon Laws representing the most ancient code in Europe and existing centuries before the birth of Christ , long , long before any conquest or plantation in Ireland , made special provision for the sick both for their accommodation and for their protection .
23 We are grateful to all our contributors for their articles and for their forbearance when the Editor has not done with them what they were expecting !
24 Otters are very shy animals and for their peace of mind require an undisturbed stretch of riverbank , preferably several miles in length .
25 The poems appealed to members of the Church of England by their reverence for holy places , holy offices and seasons ; but they were also admired by Puritans and Nonconformists for their praise of the Scriptures and for their portrayal of a soul reasoning with , and even wrestling with , its Maker .
26 The same style of mark-up is used both for instances of the logical objects and for their definitions .
27 Powerful voluntary organisations such as MENCAP ( the Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults ) and the Spastics Society have helped to raise political and public awareness of the needs of children with disabilities and have fought hard and on the whole successfully to secure better services for them and for their families .
28 Likewise the increased accountability of heads to governors , created by the 1986 Education Act and expanded again in the Reform Act , means not only extra work but extra tensions both for the heads themselves and for their staffs .
29 Ducks are amongst the most popular birds ; not least because of their amusing gait on land and for their grace in the water .
30 With qualifications for interpreting provided by an assessment board and now through training at college level , and with the emergence of full-time workers , interpreters have reached professional status and have set out guidelines for their profession and for their deaf users .
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